Chapter 15. Jade's POV.

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AN: the girls enjoy a nice day out with Riley before they discover a paparazzi-like stalker...
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Waking before lunch on a Saturday never made me feel good, I don't like being up early on a day I could sleep in.

I lifted my head a little and looked down my body at Tori, wrapped across my chest and legs, a small smile creeping to my lips as I used one hand to brush sleep from her face, and my other to slowly rub her back.


"What?" She sleepily asked, barely managing to lift her head to look at me.

"Do we want to take Riley to the beach today?" I asked.

"Mhm, yeah. Sounds good, babe. Another hour of sleep would be nice too." Her head dropped back to my chest, and I knew she was already out by the way her whole body relaxed into mine.

She called me babe...

My pulse pounded through my body, I took a few deep breaths, attempting to calm- but failing -my racing heart and the butterflies that had erupted in my stomach.

I reached for my phone that I kept tucked beneath my pillow when I didn't have it charging and set an alarm for an hour's time before allowing my body to relax and attempt to get a little more sleep.

Especially when I noticed it was only seven-thirty.

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Sitting on a towel under the over-sized umbrella as I watched Tori and Riley make a large, very detailed sandcastle was relaxing.

We'd only recently gotten to the beach, and as soon as we were set up- they started building.

It was already almost as tall as Riley, and up to Tori's chest. Looking up, I smiled as she caught my stare and she moved towards me.

"Hi," she whispered as she bent down, pressing a light kiss to my lips.

"Hmm, hi. You okay?"

"Yeah, the beach was a great idea, thanks for bringing us."

"I promised. I keep my promises."

Riley ran the three steps over to us, kicking sand up as he moved and grabbed Tori's hand, attempting to drag her back into the sun.

"I'm coming, Riley," she said with a laugh and moved back to their castle after she gave me one last peck on the lips.

"Do we want to get ice cream after we finish here?" I asked them.

They both nodded.

"Yes," Tori said excitedly.

I watched them for a while, leaning back on my elbows and soaking up the warmth of the sun.

Everything felt right.

Being with Tori felt right.

I knew my feelings for Tori were growing each day, cause I actually found myself at times wondering of a future with her.

Working my future around her goals.

I knew I shouldn't, it was ridiculous to think about such things. But damn if I didn't have her, I'd be completely lost without her.

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I watched Tori grab a napkin and wipe some ice cream off of Riley's cheek and nose, my heart picking up the pace as they smiled at each other.

I couldn't help but feel, and think, like she could be everything my future needs.

I finished off my ice cream and excused myself for the bathroom, Tori only glanced up at me with a smile that made my heart skip and stutter before I walked into the ice cream shop and headed for the bathrooms.

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