Chapter 31. Jade's POV.

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A/N: Crap, I remembered I hadn't finished posting this story so here's an update! Comment your thoughts/feelings. Vent to me, rage at me. (:
Hope y'all enjoyed the ride or Tori telling her parents. How bout a date?

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Waking up to yelling startled both Aoife and I from our cuddling on Tori's bed, I looked behind me at Tori's side of the bed and jumped out of bed when I saw she wasn't there.

"This has nothing to do with you, Trina," I heard Tori yell as I pulled her bedroom door open, and ran down the stairs with Aoife right behind me.

"You always have to do this, Tori... You always have to try and take my moment! My big showcase, it was probably you who put the strawberry in my milkshake, wasn't it?"

"Trina, that's enough," Holly said, stepping between the sisters and pushing them carefully to arms length.

"She's pregnant, she's going to be the talk of the school when they should be talking about my new one woman show!" Trina screeched.

"You're more concerned over that and not the fact your sister was raped by the people that kidnapped her seven months ago?" I shot at her, moving to stand beside Tori, letting her know I'd always be by her side.

Aoife stood protectively in front of both of us, her hackles raised as she started to growl at Trina.

I rested a calming hand between her shoulder blades and she sat, right on my foot. But I didn't mind, cause she calmed instantly at my touch.

Trina seemed to be too shocked to say anything as her face ran through a variety of emotions before she frowned and stomped off upstairs.

"Gee, Jade. I might need you here all the time to keep these two apart," Holly said with a light joking lilt to her tone. I chuckled a little and smiled, turning to look at Tori.

"You good?"

Tori nodded, leaning against me, our foreheads touching as I ran my hands down her arms before softly gripping her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Love you."

"Love you too, Jade. You... wanna get out of here? Catch a movie?"

I smiled, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "Sounds good, why don't we go to a drive-in? So we can relax and keep Aoife with us."

Smiling brightly, she nodded, racing up the stairs to get ready.

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Tori snuggled into my side as the pre-movie advertisements started and I rested my arm across her shoulders.

Aoife was laying across the back seats, sleeping lightly. I glanced over my shoulder at her and smiled before I turned my head back towards the screen, pressing a soft kiss to Tori's temple.

"What's this movie about again?" Tori asked, shifting a little, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Uh, I don't know. I didn't read the description very well. I rushed over it. I just saw that it was this, or a horror movie, and I don't want you having a nightmare due to a movie."

She turned her head, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "My hero," she said with a playful sigh and rested her hand on my knee. "I love you, Jade."

"I love you too, Vega."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course. What's wrong?"

"No nothing... I just wanted to tell you that... I loved when you called me your wife the other week when we were at the hospital."

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