41. Jade's POV.

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CH41. Jade's POV.

Short-ish chapter cause I decided some things needed changing around and moved half this chapter to the previous one. My bad.

Editing attempts were made, but I'm way too tired to keep trying. 

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I pulled back from the kiss slowly, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose before thanking the judge and looking back to our family. "Look ma, I did it!" I exclaimed, holding Tori's and my joined hands above us.

My mother laughed, taking a quick photo, and I held Tori's hand as I led her down to the adults.

"Let's go get some lunch."

"Lunch? Burgers?" Tori asked, lighting up.

"Whatever you want, my beautiful wife," I said, kissing Tori's cheek.

-- -- -- --

After the courthouse, David said he'd take Athena back home as she was getting fussy and gave us both a forehead kiss and a hug, welcoming me to the family officially.

Holly, Alice, Tori and I went to lunch together.

Sitting beside Tori, I looked down at the simple bands we purchased on the way over to the courthouse. I stroked my finger over the golden band on her finger with a smile, gaining her attention in the process.

Looking into her eyes, my heart stuttered a few beats before I leaned in, kissing her, mumbling against her lips. "I love you Tori Vega-West." I pressed another kiss to her lips as she grinned.

"I love you too, my gorgeous wife," she said before kissing me again.

"Are you done eating?"

She nodded, patting her stomach with her free hand. "Absolutely, ready for a food coma."

"God, me too. Want to go home and nap?"

"Yes please."

I smiled, nodding. "Of course, and to go with the nap, many cuddles for my wife."

"Alright we are officially lame adults who are going to go home and nap on their wedding day," Tori announced to our mothers.

Holly and my mother laughed.

"Yeah? A nap? Is that what the kids call it these days?" my mother asked.

I rolled my eyes. "No, really. Tori is full from lunch, I'm always ready for a nap, and it has been a massive day."

"Wait, you're seriously going to nap?" Holly asked, eyes widening.

"Yeah, why?" Tori asked, frowning confused.

"It's cause we're newlyweds babe, they think we're going to go home and practice for future children."

"Oh, we haven't even had sex this week, I actually can't remember if we had it last week or not," Tori said, tilting her head. "Did we?"

I thought for a second before nodding. "We last did it three weeks ago."

"Three weeks?" Holly's eyebrows rose higher. "God, when I was a teenager, I don't think I went three days without sex when I had a boyfriend."

"I can't even go three days without it now," my mother said and I scrunched my face in playful disgust.

"Alright, we're going, you adults have fun. Do you two need a lift home?" Tori asked.

Our mothers shook their heads. "I'll call us an Uber or cab soon, you two have fun," Holly said.

I stood, holding Tori's hand. "Alright, call me if you change your mind and do need a lift."

"No, go, we're adults, we're not drinking, we're truly okay. Go, have fun."

"Time to go be a young married couple and nap the afternoon away, my beautiful wife. We've just been given permission to have fun."

"God, I can't think of more fun than napping with you in my arms," I said, kissing her cheek as I stroked my thumb over her knuckles, walking to the podium to pay. "Here's an extra hundred, if they want a few more drinks or something, if not, have it as a tip," I said and the teen at the counter beamed at me.

"Th-Thank you," he stammered. "Have a lovely afternoon."

"You too," I said and led Tori out to my car.


"Hm?" I glanced at her as I pulled my keys from the pocket in Tori's dress.

"Can we drop by MJ's? I want to tell her."

"Of course. Now or later?"

"Now before we head home? I want to get some stuff too. I gave the last of what I had to your mother yesterday."

"Sure, Vega.""Vega-West," she corrected and I playfully rolled my eyes, pulling her closer to me with our joined hands, kissing her as I leaned her into the side of my car."Please, correct me every time I say that. 'Cause I love hearing you say our name.""Our name..." Tori smiled, lifting her chin a little before she kissed me once again. "It's ours. I love you, Jade.""I love you too, Tori." I reached around her, pulling the passenger door open as I gave her a final, loving and gentle kiss before stepping back. "Let's go see MJ and Sully."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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