Chapter 29. Jade's POV.

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AN: This chapter takes place just after Tori gets out of hospital! (:

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"So, they just let you go?" My mother asked as she helped Tori into the car.

"Uhm, there was a lot of convincing from Jade's end," she said, resting her head on my shoulder as I slid into the back seat beside her.

"So, it's all against medical advisory that you're leaving?" My mum asked.

We nodded.

My mum sighed and shook her head, but smiled nonetheless as she started the car to drive us home.

Tori rested her hand on my thigh, and I set my hand on top of hers, sliding my fingers between hers over the back of her hand.

I turned my head slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of Tori's head before leaning back in the seat.

By my calculations, Tori was nearing five months. And her bump, small as it was, was showing. I've seen and known many people, she definitely was the smallest pregnancy I've ever seen.

"Have you told your parents yet?" I asked softly, but I knew my mum could hear by the way she glanced in the mirror at us before looking back at the road.

Tori shook her head, hiding her face against my neck.

"I don't know how you've managed to stay so small throughout this, maybe you'll be able to hide the entire thing from them," I joked, making Tori laugh a little.

"Whatever you say, wife," she whispered, lifting her head to press a kiss to my cheek.

Okay, so maybe starting the whole 'wife' thing wasn't a good idea, but hearing Tori say it, definitely makes me know it wasn't a bad idea also. It sounded right slipping from her lips.

"You two didn't secretly elope while I was away did you?" My mum asked.

Tori giggled and blushed as she shook her head. "No, never. We'd never get married without you and Riley there."

My heart leaped. She didn't mention her family. Only mine.

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Tori and I sat out in the pool shed with my mum, Tori was currently showing my mum all the different flavoured rolling papers she had.

She was currently rolling a bubblegum one. "My favourite," I murmured, mostly to myself. But Tori and my mum quickly looked to me. My mother with a surprised face, Tori with her eyebrows raised and an amused look on her face.

"What was that, dear?" My mother asked.

"I... uh.... Excuse me, I think I heard the doorbell," I said, quickly getting up and leaving the shed, heading for the house.

My phone buzzed as I got to the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

"Bring me and your mum back coffee, please?"

I rolled my eyes. I knew mum wasn't mad though, cause she'd have followed me, or asked Tori to come get me so she could speak to us together.

I sent back a thumbs up emoji before making sure there was enough water in the machine to make the three coffees.

It didn't take too long to make them. I grabbed a tray big enough for the mugs and carried them down the back yard to the pool shed.

"So," my mum asked, handing a joint off to Tori before reaching for a mug. "Who was at the door, darling?"

Sighing, I set a coffee down in front of Tori on the small table she was sitting at.

"Jade, I don't care. You know that, I'm just disappointed that you didn't have your first experience with me here at home."

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