Chapter 4. Tori's POV.

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Tori opens up, Jade does too. TW's for cutting.

Also, apologies in advance for making Beck an asshole in this. If you've read my other Jori fic "Dance The Night Away." You'd know I prefer to write him as a nicer guy.

If you haven't read DTNA, it's available here and on AO3, along with its companion series of one-shots that I take requests for!

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I hated Monday's. Maybe I should've just stayed home, but I'm thankful I got to see Jade today, even though it was for only a few minute while she spoke to my father.

I didn't really hear much of what they were saying, so when he filled me in on the car ride home about how he'd invited Jade and her brother to dinner tonight, my stomach clenched with nerves.

"You said you liked Jade's little brother," dad said when he saw a look cross my face.

"I do, it's just... are you sure you're okay with both of them coming for dinner?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Her brother is autistic. He's a very good kid, but I don't want you to be taken aback when you see him."

"Does he have any dietary restrictions?"

"Not that I'm aware of, he ate salad when jade and I were studying, and Dino nuggets with mash potato and gravy... he pretended it was a volcano, and the gravy was wiping out all the dinosaurs."

I smiled fondly at the memory and looked out the window as the houses blurred when we passed them.

"Is that all?"

"Hash browns. He loves hash browns and tater-tots."

"So, anything potato?"

I shrugged, looking up at our house as he pulled into the driveway.

"I can message Jade and ask?"

"Yeah, I think that'd be a good idea, maybe make sure she doesn't have allergies also."

Nodding, I made my way upstairs to my room and sat on my bed. I felt so exhausted, I just wanted to sleep.

Maybe an hour wouldn't hurt. It was only ten thirty.

I set my alarm for lunchtime, laid back on my bed and closed my eyes, resting my hand on my stomach, holding my phone there so I could feel and hear it when my alarm would go off.

— — — —

I was there again, the sound of thunder and the flashes of lightning reminded me of it.

I could feel that this was a dream, but no amount of struggling could free me of the chair I'd been tied to.

Their laughter caught my attention, the way their eyes roamed over me.

I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out.

Both of them had already had their way with me. I could still feel the cable ties cutting into my ankles and wrists as I struggled to get free.

A hand on my shoulder jolted me awake, a light layer of sweat drenching my body.

"Jade?" I blinked a few times, my room coming into view around me as I started up into her eyes.

"Yeah, Vega, it's me. Your dad sent me up here to wake you, he seems a little annoyed, something about messaging me and food?"

I looked around the bed for my phone and found it tucked against my side, the alarm still on the screen but no sound or vibrations coming from the device.

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