Chapter 38. Jade's POV.

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If you see an error, no you didn't.... I'm too tired to be awake this damn early.
Filler Chapter, the girls spend time with Riley and Athena out and about, while Holly and Alice spend more time together (;

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I sat on the couch across from Holly. Aoife curled at my feet, panting heavily from the run she'd just taken herself on.

"At least I don't have to take you for a morning run today," I said as I leaned down and stroked her head lightly.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Holly asked.

I sat up straighter and smiled thankfully as Tori handed me a coffee. "Thanks, babe." I sat back a little, leaning against the couch. "So, someone has been stalking Tori and I, and apparently, Robbie-"

"Is that the weird puppet kid?"

"That's him. Aoife and Tori saw him. Aoife took off after him, hence the barking. David came and got me to help get Aoife back. I didn't know that she was after Robbie until I tried to pull her off his body."

Tori leaned into my side and I wrapped my arm around her, kissing the top of her head. "Robbie was taking photos of us, and we think more people are doing it."

"As we were walking back, Jade got a notification, a photo of dad arresting Robbie and a post about what had happened, taken from what looked like it was across the road from where we were standing," Tori said as she grabbed my phone from the coffee table and unlocked it, showing the screen to Holly.

Tori's mother frowned and shook her head. "And David knows of this?" She asked.

I shook my head. "He doesn't know about this image or all the other posts about us, but he knows that Robbie had been taking photos of us. Babe, here," I held my hand out and Tori passed my phone back to me. I loaded up my messages and showed them to her and her mother. "I sent the photos of us to myself when I had his phone," I explained.

"Is that... You two and Athena? Gosh, if it wasn't such a creepy circumstance, it would be a cute photo of the three of you," Holly said.

I nodded. "I know, I love it. I will also love making Robbie pay for this, and find out whoever else is taking photos of us as well."

"This boy... Do you think he and whoever else is taking the photos is stalking you?"

I nodded. "There are photos of myself and Riley, photos of us out on dates, some of us going home, or here, or just in the car. It's not okay, especially if we're going to babysit Athena for you, or if we're with Riley. Taking photos of us is one thing but with them? Not okay."

Tori stroked a hand over my thigh. "We'll figure it out, Jade. Whoever is doing it, they'll be in prison for taking the photos of us, okay?"

My phone started ringing and I picked it back up from where Tori sat it on her lap, frowning. "It's mum, I gotta get it. I left her a note last night about what happened but I guess due to the time she didn't get it this morning."

I stood, setting my half-finished coffee down before accepting the call as I stepped past them and made my way out the back door, Aoife jumped up and followed me before I shut the door.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Jade, is everything okay? How're things with Athena and Holly?"

I chuckled lightly, shaking my head. "Mum, they're fine. I promise. I sang Athena to sleep when we got here, she slept between Tori and me last night, and then, oh hey, this morning, Robbie was taking photos of us, and as Holly said, if one of them wasn't so creepy of a reason to have it taken, it would make a cute photo of Tori, Athena and I."

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