Chapter 13. Jade's POV.

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Jade worries over Tori not being at school and nurses her back to health... along with a little play time before they both go out with David.

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I stepped up to Tori's locker just before the bell was due to ring, I hadn't really had much time alone with her since Tuesday night, last week.

I slipped an envelope into the small slits at the top of her locker door, quickly making my way across the hall to my own locker and opening it up, half keeping an eye out for Tori while I felt through my locker for my book for Theatre History.

Tori and I weren't exactly together, unless you ask our parents, cause we couldn't exactly say we were only sleeping together. Which wasn't the case.

Sure, we do have our fun, but I like spending time with her.

I like watching movies with her, it's not just a convenient thing to do.

The bell chimed again, signalling that the change-over for classes was over and everyone scattered from the halls as quick as they could.

But I will hadn't seen Tori.

Come to think of it, she'd barely made an appearance at all today. I saw her in roll-call, and at the beginning of first period, but sadly, our seats were separated due to how we used to be and the teacher refused to let us sit close to each other.

I frowned before hoisting my bag higher on my shoulder and slamming my locker shut. I made my way through the halls to my class, fishing my phone from my bag so I could text her.

That was until I saw a text from Tori on my screen from an hour ago.


Vega: Went home, not feeling well. Might have to reschedule date night. -xo, Tori.

My heart shuddered at the small xo written before her name.

God, she's bringing down my walls one brick at a time so quickly that I'm worried she'll run before we even get a chance to start something.

I looked at the message once more before typing out a reply.

J: Hope you feel better soon, let me know if I need to bring you soup. The nurse will be on call for you (;

I cleared my throat, hoping to rid my body of the nerves before tapping send and taking my seat at the back of the room as my teacher started to talk.

— — — —

After school, I went straight home.

I went through to the kitchen and searched the fridge and cupboards for items I needed to make soup before starting on it.

I briefly stopped keeping an eye on it to go get Riley from his bus, before continuing my task.

Rose came in when I was nearing done with the soup, arms red from the bags she had all up both forearms.

"Groceries," Rose said with a small smile.

"Hey, Tori's not feeling well, so I'm going to take her over some soup, there's a tonne in the pot so Riley can just have that for his meal and-"

"Toast cut into strips, I know," Rose waved me away. "Go see your girl," she said, grinning.

I felt my cheeks warm, knowing I'm blushing, but couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes light heartedly with a smile of my own.

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