Chapter 17. Jade's POV.

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AN: just a short filler chapter to get the story rolling.

The girls present their small scene to Sikowitz our fave coconut-loving teacher.
Tori receives some news that leaves her ... shocked? Sick? Fearing for many things... and craving a pain killer.

You'll understand.

Please review; it helps me update quicker(:

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I stood at the front of the classroom, studying the words I'd written while Tori worked on her own book, standing next to me, writing down a few notes.

"Time," Sikowitz said, clapping his hands loudly to gain our attention.

I looked up at him and nodded, letting him know we were ready.

"Props?" He asked.

"Don't need any," I said, making him look intrigued as he sipped on his coconut.

"Proceed," he said with a wave of his hand toward us and I dropped my book to my feet before turning to face Tori.

"Ready?" I whispered.

She nodded, smiling softly before she clutched her book to her chest after shutting it.

"What was your topic again?" He asked.

"Forbidden romance," Tori said, making Sikowitz make a noise of curiosity.

"We can't keep sneaking out and meeting like this," Tori said her line with a sad smile on her face, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss the sadness away.

"It won't be for much longer, I promise. I'm leaving him. I want nothing more than to be with you, and only you."

"Our parents won't like that, no one will. We can't be together, my love. For no one will accept us."

My heart thudded painfully at her words, damn she could act.

"We'll run away, be together, be happy,"

"What If our past catches up to us?" Tori questioned.

"We won't let it, we'll keep moving forward."

"I love you."

"I love you too, we'll make it work."

"You and me, forever?"


I stepped around her, unzipping my hoodie and dropping it to the floor before I turned to face her once more.

"We need to go, now!"

"Now?" She asked with hesitance lacing her tone.

"Come with me, I'm leaving here for good. No one will stop us if you run away with me."

I couldn't help but glance at Sikowitz briefly, a look I couldn't read on his face before my gaze flickered back to Tori.

She seemed to be mulling it over.

"Let's go," she said, taking my hand and moving quickly to pull us off the small stage area.

"End," she said, stopping us by the door.

We both turned to face Sikowitz, my hand slipping from Tori's as I moved back to the front of the room to grab my book and jacket

"Short, but it got the point across. I like it," Sikowitz said. "Full marks. If you want extra marks on it, you can produce an actual few scenes out of it and act them out with a cast ... if you wish to. But, like I said, it got the point across. Now, go," he waved us away.

Tori has grabbed both our bags and waited with the door open, leaning against it to hold it while she waited for me.

— — — —

After school, I called Rose to ask her to get Riley off his bus and let her know I was taking Tori to an appointment.

I rested a hand on Tori's nervously bouncing knee and gained her attention as we sat in the waiting room of the small GP's office.

"Do you think it'll be bad news?" She asked.

I shrugged before shaking my head.

"Good or bad, I'll be right here with you no matter what," I said, making her smile.

"When did you become such a sap?"

"Around the time I kicked that guys ass for hurting you," I whispered, kissing her cheek.

"Tori Vega?" A nurse called, and Tori stood, grabbing my hand so I'd come with her.

We followed the nurse down the small hall and she opened a room up.

"Just take a seat, the doctor is just getting your file," she said, smiling at us.

Tori sat beside the doctors desk, so I took the seat closer to the door beside her.

With her free hand, Tori tapped her fingers over the back of my hand, so I gave the hand I was holding an encouraging squeeze.

"It's gonna be okay," I said, making her look up to meet my eyes.

The door opened up and the doctor stepped in, looking at his file before looking at us. "Vega?"

I pointed to Tori as she spoke up. "I'm Tori."

The doctor nodded before sitting at his desk and laying the file out.

"Miss Vega..."

"Please call me Tori, Miss Vega makes me feel old."

The doctor nodded with a kind smile.

"We rushed the blood tests like you asked and, you have low iron, which is easily fixable with some tablets to help bring it up again, but there's something else... would you prefer I deliver the news alone?"

"No, Jade can stay," she said quickly, tightening her grip on my hand.

"Tori, have you been sexually active?"

"I ... I was raped a few weeks ago," she said, the nervousness in her voice coming through.

He frowned a little at the information, looking at his paperwork.

"Well, you're clear of all sexually transmitted diseases,"

"That's good. So is the iron the only issue? Can that cause nausea almost every day?" I asked.

"Sometimes it can, but in this case..."

"Would you just tell me what's wrong with me?" Tori asked, her eyes starting to water.

"Tori, you're pregnant."

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