Chapter 32. Jade's POV.

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Waking up hooked to machines and the annoying beeping wasn't the best experience. Neither was being in this much pain.

I sat up quickly and looked around, frowning when I saw I was in a room by myself -without Tori I meant- my mother was asleep by my bedside.


My mother's head shot up from where she had it leaned back against the wall and she blinked a few times before noticing I was sitting up looking at her.

She rushed to me, stroking her hand over my face.

"What happened?"

"There was a drunk driver in a truck, it t-boned your car. You were found wrapped around Tori."

My eyes widened. "Tori? Where is she? Is she okay? Is she alive? Is the baby okay?"

"She's... she's in a medically induced coma, Jade. In the room next door, I made sure she was close seeing as they wouldn't allow you in the same room."

"I need to see her."

"Jade... you need to rest."

"How long has it been?"

"Four days. You've been in and out, but barely able to say anything. You had a glass shard stuck through your hand that would of gone through Tori's stomach if your hand wasn't there."

"So the baby is okay?"

"So far, yes. There was a lot of internal bleeding, she was in surgery for six hours. Had to be given a lot of blood, and took her appendix out cause that was inflamed."

"She did mention yester-Uh, the other day... that she wasn't feeling so good. Said the baby kept kicking one spot. I guess it wasn't the baby?"

My mother shook her head. "According to the nurse, the baby wasn't even close to that side."

"I need to be with her, please?"

"I'll get a doctor, Jade. Just sit here for a moment," she said, reaching above my bed to press a call button.

It wasn't long before a doctor came in and checked me over, asking me various questions, whining a light in my eyes, asking me the day, and date, and how I was feeling.

I answered everything as best as I could and looked to my mother at the end of it.

"Can she go see her wife?" My mother asked.

My heart flipped.

Now she was calling Tori my wife? That felt so good.

The doctor nodded and I made a move to get up but he stopped me.

"In a wheelchair or not at all," he said, and I frowned but nodded.

"So, where is the wheelchair? Or I'm gonna go without it."

"Jade," my mother said with a slight sternness to her tone.

I sighed and sat back, adjusting the bed so I was sitting up more.

The only pain I had was in my hand that had a cast on it, I looked down at it and wiggled my fingers as best as I could without causing too much pain, but it was still agony.

"This the hand that got glass in it?" I asked my mum when the doctor left to go get the wheelchair.

"No," she pointed to my other hand. I looked at it and saw the stitches through the clear bandage that looked like it was there to stop the stitches from getting caught on anything.

"What's this from then?" I asked, holding my casted hand up.

"Your hand got crushed somehow. It was on top of Tori's head, so maybe you stopped her head from hitting something and got it stuck? I'm unsure, the footage on your dash cam is a little glitchy. I've got someone at the office trying to clear it up for us. It's almost a race against David's men to see who can get the footage first."

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