Chapter 7. Jade's POV.

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Jade keeps Tori company as something stirs up the goths emotions.

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Tori admitted she loved me then fled.

I didn't know what to do. Finding out one of your friends is in love with you is kind of a hard hurdle to jump over.

But I didn't want to lose her friendship.

I stood from the couch and made my way to the door just as Lane was about to enter his office.

"What happened?"

"She freaked out over a class assignment, it's okay, I'll get her back to school."

He only nodded, making his was over to his desk. "I'll call her parents," he said.

"No, it's okay. I've got this, something happened in her home life and it's just gaining on her emotionally right now. She needs a friend."

"And you're that?" He asked with a dry laugh.

God, I wanted to punch him.

"More of a friend than anyone right now cause I've been through the same thing," I told him, making him sober quickly and wave me away.

I went to my locker, my bag still laying on the floor by it. I picked my bag up and stuffed my books back in my locker before grabbing my keys from my bag and making my way out of the school to my car.

She couldn't of gotten that far on foot, running or not. I tossed my bag into the passenger seat and started my car up, trying to think where she would go.

As I pulled out onto the road, I started driving, keeping my eyes on the sidewalk to look for her while also trying to keep an eye on the road.

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It was about twenty minutes of driving around aimlessly before my stupid ass remembered the find-a-friend app.

I pulled over on the side of the road and dig through my bag for my phone.

"What the fuck?" I huffed, rolling my eyes when I couldn't find my phone in my bag, only to remember that it was in my back pocket.

I lifted my ass off the seat and pulled my phone out searching through my messages for Tori's name before loading up her info page and tapping on the map at the top to direct me to her.

"The park? Really Tori... well, at least she's not somewhere alone."

I groaned when I'd realised I'd be driving in the complete wrong direction.

I stuck my phone in the cup holder between the two front seats and listened to the directions as I turned the car around.

I barely registered any of the road rules, and would of hit an old lady- without any complaints from myself, to be honest. But when I saw a cop car up ahead, I slammed my brakes on.

"Destination on the left," my phone said, making me glance down at it as I waited for the old woman to cross the road.

I parked the car down the road a little more and grabbed my phone, tucking my keys between my fingers after locking the car once I'd gotten out.

"Vega!" I called out.

I looked around, running down the stairs when I saw her and a guy that was getting way too close for my liking.

"Why don't boys ever take no for an answer?" I heard Tori ask as I moved closer.

"I think you better remove that hand before I cut it off," I said, noticing he was touching her chin now.

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