Chapter 14. Tori's POV.

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With Tori feeling better, Jade is surprised at how much her girl can eat and stupidly agree's to an eating contest.

A night with my father usually resulted in way too much sugar and fatty foods, and with Jade joining us, I told her so as she and I piled into the back of my father's car. "We usually go all out and eat things my mother refused to allow in the house."

"Hey, don't let me stop you, I bet I could eat more than both of you combined," Jade said, making me laugh.

"I highly doubt that, dad and I do this weekly unless he has to work."

"You just had a bowl of cereal as I got to your place," She said, a look of disbelief on her face.

"She eats little during the week, and makes up for it on our nights out," my dad told her.

"I still think I could beat you both," Jade said.

"How about we make a competition out of it?" I challenged.

"Tori, I think you should ease up a little, you were sick all week," my dad said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, really? What about how I was sick for a month when Trina brought something home from school, I still ate your weight in food the very next time we went out, which was the very day after I felt better."

"You were eight, but I won't be apart of this challenge. I'll eat my own happy amount."

I looked to Jade, my hand stroking her thigh. "You in?"

"I'm going to regret this cause you'll be complaining you don't feel well I'm sure, but... what the heck, I'm in." She smiled as she spoke, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Bowling, fries, drinks?" Dad asked.

"That's always our first stop," I said. "Nothing will be different about tonight. We'll do everything the same."

"Everything except challenging me to an eating contest?" Jade asked.

"Who knows. We might make it apart of the ritual," I smirked, tapping my lips to make her kiss me.

"Are you two together?" My dad asked, and I looked up, our eyes meeting in the mirror.

"We're taking things very slow," Jade said, making me nod in agreement.

He didn't need to know that I was fucking her brains out just twenty minutes ago.

"Just be careful, some people aren't very happy to see two girls, together. Oh, do you both identify as girls?" He asked as he parked the car, making me blush lightly.

"I do," I said.

"Me too," Jade said with a nod.

"Good. Okay... sorry if that question isn't allowed, I just... one of the new recruits at my station says he's non-binder or something."

"Non-Binary?" Jade asked.

"That's the one." My dad said, making the first move to get out of the car.

"They..." Jade said, sliding out of the car after me. "They slash Them is usually the correct way of saying it instead of he or she. Unless the kid said he slash they."

"I'm not too sure, we got called out on a run and I didn't get to question anything. I don't think I understand it all, but as long as people are happy, I don't mind."

"The Vega's plus One are here," came over the PA system as we stepped in the door.

A few boo's were playfully thrown at us as we made our way to the counter.

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