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Time Jump. Graduation. I know nothing about it. I dropped the fuck out cause I'm too dumb lmao.

Also, I know nothing about the situation the girls get into :D

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Tori stepped up and walked across the stage, shaking the hand of the school's principal before looking towards the crowd as Alice and Holly called her name.

She turned her head, beaming a smile at both the women, holding the certificate up. They clicked a photo and Tori kept walking off the stage back towards her seat.

She watched, her excitement building as Jade moved closer to the front of the line before she was doing the same thing. Smiling at Holly and Alice as the camera flashed, then made her way off the other side of the stage.

Tori glanced over her shoulder as Jade sat in the row and seat right behind her. She leaned back in her chair as Jade moved forward. Tori smiled, kissing Jade briefly as she tuned out the last few students getting their certificates.

"Hey, we've got our diploma, let's leave," Jade whispered, still leaning forward, her chin resting on Tori's shoulder.

Tori smiled and nodded, the pair of them quietly shifting out of their rows before they lowered themselves and snuck away up the side of the auditorium.

Tori stopped, pulling her phone from her pocket when she got to the end of the row their mothers were sitting in. She sent a quick text and nudged Jade to keep walking when she noticed Jade had paused to wait for her.

"What was that?" Jade whispered.

"Just letting them know we're out of here and they can go home. So they're not waiting around for us."

"You're so smart." Jade's words caused Tori to grin and her heart to skip.

They waited outside for their mothers, leaning against the car they came in together.

"Question," Tori said, pulling off her robe and cap, and folding it over her arm.

"Hm?" Jade asked, lifting her head from her phone.

"Do you think something is going on between our mothers?"

Jade's brows creased as she stared at Tori in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... I think they're-"

"Our girls, Graduated and officially out of high school!"

Tori turned her head, smiling as Holly wrapped her in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Jade. I was starting to think before Tori came along that you'd drop out and run away to join Broadway shows."

Jade chuckled. "Broadway is still a possibility, only Tori would come along of course."

"Broadway? I mean, we could but that would be for you. I don't have a Broadway voice, Jade. You do."

Jade's face softened. "You'd really come with me?"

Tori reached out, grabbing Jade's hand before they left their mother's embrace and stood between the older women.

"Jade, I already agreed to marry you one day, of course, I'd follow you wherever you want to go."

Jade's face softened and she leaned in, kissing Tori softly before pulling her into a tight hug. "I can't wait to marry you, Tori."

Tori whimpered lightly at the words, burying her face against Jade's neck. "Me either."

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