Chapter 23. Jade's POV.

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Long Note, sorry!
UHM... Okay, so it's been a hot minute.... Sorry about that. I've had this chapter written for a while now, along with like, 5-6 other chapters. Sorry that I haven't posted, I've just been lazy. No other excuse. 
Please, yell at me in the comments ... hopefully this doesn't happen again.

Love you all, thanks to everyone who's commented while I've been away and made sure I didn't forget about our lovely couple and this story.

Will try to update closer together, but, I'm hella lazy and the only reason I'm even posting this now is because I borrowed my mothers laptop and usually I post+write everything from my phone.
And the document is REALLY long that I keep this story in, I hate wading through all of it trying to find where I'm up to with posting. 

Sorry again for the long note. Please leave me some comments to let me know how you're liking/disliking this story and Merry Christmas, everyone, this is my present to you!

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"School break came quick," Tori said, lifting her feet up onto my dashboard as I parked my car.

I pulled my belt off and leaned over, which made Tori move in close and meet me part-way.

After a brief kiss, I settled back into my seat, putting my hand on her thigh as I looked out the windscreen.

"How much longer?"

"Five minutes," I said, glancing at the clock on my dash.

"I can't believe it's been two weeks since I've seen him. I've missed Riley so much."

"He's missed you too, I'm just happy your dad is letting me drive you down tomorrow after the festival," I murmured, running a hand through my hair as I leaned back into my seat.

The summer heat was starting to get to me, rare for me, I barely ever sweat, but the hundred and ten degree days were hitting me hard.

There was a heat advisory for the next week, so Tori gave me the idea of us taking Riley to the summer faire so we could watch Tori kick ass in the eating contest.

A day with the three of us is just what we needed with me about to go away with Tori for her family vacation.

— — — —

Riley had brightened up so much when he saw I brought Tori with me to pick him up, and beamed when I let him know we were going somewhere special instead of going straight home.

Tori and I wanted to surprise him with the faire, so neither of us let him know where we were heading as Tori handed him the AUX cable, and I handed him my phone so he could put his playlist on.

I turned the music up a little so Riley could hear it before I reached for Tori's hand and wound our fingers together - giving her hand a brief squeeze.

"I'm surprised you haven't busted and told him," I said, glancing at her before looking back at the road.

"It's a surprise, I'm good at keeping secrets."

"Not from Riley you're not."

"He's just so cute," Tori whined a little.

Riley leaned forward, tapping Tori's shoulder, causing her to turn and look.

"How... much longer?" Tori asked him. "Ten more minutes, don't worry, I think you'll enjoy it. Did you bring your headphones?"

There was some rustling coming from the bag followed by zips being pulled and Tori nodded, settling back into her seat.

"Shall we stop for ice cream on the way there?" I asked, briefly looking into the rear-view mirror to see Riley nodding excitedly.

"Tori?" I asked, lightly squeezing her hand.

"Sounds good, I could use one to cool down."

"I told you not to wear jeans today," I said, shaking my head with a smile.

"Next time I'll know to listen. Oh, can you see if they will sell me a big-mac box full of pickles?"

"Pickles? Really?" I rose an eyebrow but didn't question it further when she used our joined hands to rub her stomach. "Right, okay."

"Drive through or sit inside?" She asked, and I shrugged. "I have to use the bathroom."

Looking at the line of cars, I nodded as I waited in the line. "Run in, you'll probably be back before I get served."

We were Back on the road within ten minutes, all three of us with our ice cream, and Tori's added box of pickles, Tori was humming along to the music Riley had playing between licks of her ice cream, and a bite of pickle. Which she had grossly dipped in her ice cream.

— — — —

As I parked the car and got out, I reminded Riley to grab his headphones and Tori came around my side of the car, linking our hands together.

Once we paid to get in, we looked around at all the different things, finally making our way to the area where all the food was- along with where the eating contest would be held.

Tori made her way over to the guy that would be hosting it and let him know she was here, before she returned to my side.

"Five minutes before they start, do you and Riley want to get some drinks and popcorn before you find a seat?" She asked, and I nodded, my arm resting around Riley's shoulders.

"Do you need anything?" I asked, watching as she looked around.

"Nah, they supply water up there - I'll find two seats and save them for you and Riley."

Nodding, I pulled her closer for a quick kiss before I lead Riley away.

— — — —

Riley and I found a small vendor that sold large popcorn buckets and we decided to share the huge tub and I grabbed us some waters also before we made our way back to the stage.

Tori waved us over and stood, letting us sit in the two seats she saved before she crouched in front of us, stealing a handful of popcorn.

"Hey, you'll spoil your appetite," I said teasingly, causing her to roll her eyes playfully at me.

"All contestants to the stage area please," a man called out and Tori stood, kissing me softly.

"Good luck and kick ass," I said, making her kiss me again and smile before she walked away.

"Ri, I've got to record this, are you good to hold the popcorn," I asked him.

Riley nodded, balancing the popcorn tub on his lap as he slipped his headphones on prepared for all the loud noises that were surely about to start up.

I pulled out the video camera Tori's dad let me borrow to record this and focused it on the stage as a few people took their seats, Tori one of the first that were there.

She gave a quick wave to us and I smiled up at her as I pressed record on the camera.

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