I've Got A Feeling

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"Hello?.........What?..... Okay, slow down, yer talkin' too fast."

"I've just got the best idea, Macca! Why don't Yoko, Sean and I just come over to yours for Christmas? I've heard that your kids have been wanting to meet their cousin."

I sighed, rubbing the warmth beneath my eyes. "John, do you have any idea how late it is?" I can feel the soreness in my muscles, my joints just waiting to pop and stretch. "Well, it's 8:00 here, so it would be...." "It's one in the morning, John." I said, knowing he was trying to do the math in his head and he's so bad at math anyways. There was wrestling beside me and I could help but murmur swears under my breath.

A nice cold hand laid on my shoulder, feeling her wedding band on top of my very light fabric shirt. "Who's calling?" Linda asks so nicely, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before sitting up. I sigh, not wanting to tell her. I just know if I tell her it's John asking to stay she'll jump in too quickly with her big heart and say yes, and plan out the entire docket of meals for their stay in the middle of the night when she should be getting her nights rest. "No one, it's just one of these bloody telemarketers that runs his mouth too much and won't quit annoying me." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, giving her 'Are you pulling my leg?' face and got up to yank the phone from my hands.

"Hello, John. Is there a reason as to why you called at one in the morning? I apologize about Paul, he can be such an *ass*." Ouch. She nodded, figuratively checking something off in her office portion of her brain. "Yes, I see. I know, I've told them that they'll get to meet the little tot sometime but they never stop asking, especially James." She snickers to herself. Sometimes I feel bad for James. He's our youngest but also our only son so I feel like he's being left out of opportunities at home. He's told me he is just fine with his older sisters, but I just know he wants more kids to connect with.

"Yoko, hi!" Linda shrieked excessively loud for it being way too early in the morning. "How have you been dear? It's been ages." Linda motioned for me to scoot over so she could sit where I rest my head. I decided to just sit up and adjust my bones so they wouldn't be complaining anymore. Soon enough, a short tow headed, blue eyed boy tip-toed into our room holding his prized teddy bear. "Is Mummy upset?" I walked over and knelt by him, tucking a piece of hair back behind his petite ear. "No, Mummy's not upset. She's just on the phone. I'm guessing she woke you up?" He nodded adorably. I gave her the signal to hang up the call but in retaliation, she just gave me a very naughty hand signal back and quieted her volume a bit.

"Here, let's get you back to bed." I picked him up and placed him on my hip and began walking to the kids' bedroom in the dark hallway. "Who's she calling?" My three year old asked rubbing his eyes. "She's on the phone with Aunt Yoko....and Uncle John." I replied while sighing. I opened the door exponentially slow as to not cause a scene and placed him back into his bed closest to the door. I tucked him in and kissed his forehead before closing the door on the other side and scratching a part of my itchy scalp.

After yawning for what feels like the twentieth time since the phone rang I headed downstairs into the kitchen to make some tea. "What're you doin' up this time of night Dad?" "I should be asking you that, missy." Heather came trudging through the kitchen, hair falling all over her like a head blanket and body slouching. I heard a thud as she took a seat at the table, arms covering her face more than her hair had. "Rough night too, eh?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Jake broke up with me." Not long after sniffling made its presence, tugging at my heart. "Oh sweetie, come here." I wrapped my arms around her, tears dropping like a faucet tap onto my shirt. I could feel the blood rising in my veins, tensing up my muscles. Ok Paul, just breathe and calm down. That jackass isn't worth your time anyway. "Is Mum on the phone with Yoko?" She muffled against my shirt, her cheek squishing against the rest of her face. "Yeah, how did you know?"

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