Sie Liebt Dich

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A/N: Danke= Thank you in German from what Google translate told me, so it might not be 100% accurate for the ones who speak the language. I thought that since they are in Germany and will be for the next few months I should probably add more of the native language. Also, context: Just like in real life they can speak little bits of German but don't know enough of the language as a whole to speak fluently, that'll be a kicker later. ;) Part of this was an alternate ending that you guys have seen before that my sister wrote, but I had to revamp it to have it make sense for the plot. So, if it seems like a repeat from another chapter, that explains it. Also, this is a two-should almost be three part chapter. But we're getting to the good stuff now and I know how to progress it.

"Danke." Fucking finally, we're done for tonight. I thought this would never come. Our first night of preforming finally wrapped up past midnight, and all I want to do is fall into our room and pass out from being so exhausted. I had to sing for the latter part of the show because John was putting too much strain on his vocals. Which I don't mind doing if it's for him, but now I'm just as or even more tired than he is. "You stayin' to party with us or headin' back Macca?" "I would stay, but I'm just gonna collapse onto the floor of the space we're calling a room." "Alright, 'night Paul." "'Night Geo."

Just as I had predicted I fell onto the cold cement floor of the space we're supposed to be sleeping in. My eyes are so heavy I'm not sure how they stay open. My muscles ache, definitely not used to the strenuous work of this job. I want to sleep so badly but my brain won't shut off. I just kept thinking about John. He's fine Macca, you shouldn't need to worry. Besides, he's twenty, he needs to be able to handle his own crap. He was perfectly fine when you left. Wait, but was he? I mean, he did seem pretty tired during the show, but then he just snapped up, chipper as the morning. No, no he wouldn't. No, he just had a small drink, that's all. He, he wouldn't. No.

A feeling in my gut raced around as I bit down on my lip. I couldn't see anything, everything pitch black. But I knew my leg was shaking out of anxiousness. I sat up, putting my head in my hands while contemplating my options. That's when I heard someone burst through the door. "Paul, come quick, please." "Pete what the hell-" "We don't have much time, now move it." I paced out of the room, not knowing what's going on. "Best, what the hell is going on?!" He pulled me aside and lowered his voice. "John's gone insane, Paul. Something happened between him and Stu and now he won't tell us anything that happened." "Pete, he can handle this on his own. He's gotten into plenty of rows with him before. It's not my place anyway." I tried walking back but he grabbed hold of my wrist. "He won't listen to me, he won't listen to George either. George said that he trusts you, so please?" "Look, I've tried before and it hasn't worked alright? I'm goin' back to bed-" "Please Paul you're all we've got!"

I stopped in my tracks and tried to analyze the events unfolding. I could either try and see John and be cursed out, or go back to bed and deal with the aftermath in the morning. Screw it. "Just- You better thank me for this Best."

I walked outside to see John on the pavement smoking out his lungs again. It was giving me major flashbacks to eight months ago, the only difference being there isn't a single flake of snow in sight. George was standing by him, drink in hand giving him a glare. "Oh, here comes loverboy. You better fucking tell and listen to him or so help me-" "George! How many have you had?" "Only a few, I'm just mad since he's so stubborn." He whispered into my ear. "Good luck, evidence or not." I flipped him the bird when he winked at me, obviously pointing out my huge crush on the man child on the ground.

I slid down the side of the building and put my hand on John's thigh. "Hey Johnny." He looked over at me and just got this huge ass smile on his face. It was hard to hide the blush I was most likely sporting. "Macca! Hey Georgie, it's Macca!" Oh god, you're so far out I can barely reach you. He did. He actually took uppers. "Yeah, it's me. John, what happened between you and Stuart?" He sat there in silence, fumbling with his fingers. "John? Did you get into a fight with Stu?" I looked over and saw that he was looking at me through his peripheral vision, waiting until I would leave. "....Yes." "Why did you get into a fight?" His face scrunched up in anger, me holding all my force not to be overcome with laughter. "He fucking took off with this German bird and left me to rot! Well to hell with him then! Glad I knocked his eye out." "You hit him in the eye?!" "Yeah, that'll show him." He playfully pretended to punch me in the arm, me shoving his arms away. "John, you shouldn't have done that. Now when you come off it, you're gonna apologize to the poor lad." I hated having to parent him but it's literally the ONLY way he will listen when drugged and high.

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