In the Air Tonight

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A/N: This chapter was co-written by my sister and I, but more on her end, so I'd say the main credit goes to her. (The title is the main song used to write it so ye, if you want more of a mood maybe play it while reading) One little thing I would like to ask is would you guys want a little filler chapter after this one and then a huge time skip or just the huge time skip? Since I really need to get the ball rolling or else this is gonna be more than 100 chapters. Please please (me, oh ye, like I please you), comment in here so then I know directly. I know it's annoying and I'm a broken record, but no one is doing it so I have to keep repeating for it to get across. But, without a further ado, here is the new and longest chapter so far in this story. ✌️❤️

Fucking cold air. Always getting in me coat and making me shiver. Piss off will ya? The middle of November always manages to bring my rage to a high. It's mainly the cold air that gets to me but a lot of the time, I just can't stand being so damn dependent on others. I've spent all my life fending for myself and now everyone thinks it's okay to assume that I need help with mundane tasks. I understand that the holidays are right around the bloody corner but.. Christ! I'm not crippled, or anything like that. It's 5:31 and Stu told me to meet him at his place no later than six. One of my classes got canceled today because of the weather. Stepping a foot into the door, I surprise him with my early appearance. "Lennon. You're early." "Yeah, I had a canceled class and they let me go early." "Alright. Hang yer coat there. Unless you're planning on eating outside in the blizzard." His quick wit always pulls me in. Hanging my coat and scarf on the rack in his flat and slipping my shoes off by the door, I follow Stu into the kitchen for some unfinished business.

Being with Stuart has been really fun. Getting to be bad with someone else for a change as opposed to staying in all the time with my sissy of a boyfriend. Cuddling on the couch in his room while finishing the last of the cornflakes. Having his scent near my nose. His cute little curl hanging down above his eye. Those cute cheeks blushing while he holds me near to his chest....I'm so sorry Paul... But Stu is just as great. He's got my sharp wit and way of life. We've been friends for ages so everything we need to know is already there. At least, I hope.

"So, ya hungry or what? I made us a lovely dinner." Taking some sort of pasta out of the oven. "What the bloody hell is that? It looks like something yer mum would make!" "What? And you could do any better? I doubt that. I've seen the way you hold yer guitar and yer chances of that are slim to none." "At least I don't have to spend an extra five minutes practicing what notes to play." "I'm tuning my bass, you wank." "Sure, you keep telling yourself that one, Sutcliffe." "Just shut up and eat yer damn dinner." "Gladly." I lean over the table and give him a kiss on the cheek as a tease. "Someone's excited tonight. Care to tell me why, John?" I finally sit down and dish up my plate. "No reason. Just excited to see my man tonight. For once, he's so put together and-" "Alright, Lennon. Enough of that crap. Tell me the real reason." Trying not to let the tears rise any farther in my eyes, I clear my throat. "I just- I'm really enjoying this with you and it ends soon-" "So, you fancy me then, do you? Interesting." "Piss off, Sutcliffe, I do not." "Then how come you just told me all of that?" "Because you asked. Me saying that has nothing to do with my fancying you-" "So you admit it! I knew it!" "Alright fine you caught me, now eat yer disgusting looking pasta." "I will and enjoy it." It was actually really good. Stu knows how to cook a good dinner. We get to chatting about all sorts of things. Our days, the band, who we think should brush up on their songs more, how in the hell we managed to get that cat out of the tree when we were first mates. But the one topic that didn't come up is the one I wanted to talk about the most. "Yer helping me with dishes, Lennon. Whether you like it or not." "Who said I opposed?"

He's so keen on being sly with me. That little shit. Always having a twisted grin plastered onto those perfect lips of his. All while helping me do dishes, John would pick up a plate and dry it off only to nearly whip me in the face on purpose. "You sneaky shit! Yer gonna get it soon if you don't quit." "Well, maybe I don't want to.." He snickers while whipping my face with the towel. "That's it Lennon, you asked for it." I grab another towel from the drawer and start a fight with him. "Prepare to meet your doom." "Ha! I don't think so, Sutcliffe. I've been an excellent towel whipper since me aunt Mimi made me help clean dishes." We go into circles around each other, flinging our dish towels near the other. Getting closer to the sink, John grabs the sprayer and points it directly at me, getting my damn button up for this evening soaked.

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