Twenty Four

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Credit to my lovely sister for helping me write the beginning, it means lots. This would be really shitty honestly without her so give her pats on the back. ✌🏿❤️

My hands started to exude a lake all over my nicely washed trousers that Mimi took the time to iron for me. The girl standing opposite me was looking quite pretty in her polka dot dress and pantyhose. "Are you ready John? You're friends probably don't want to be kept waiting." Her warm smile settled my very knotted stomach for a second. "Yeah, why don't we go. After you, Cynthia." She took my hand and we went into my garage. Holding her warm hand in mine, it almost made me want to pull away. I began to become uncomfortable. It's nothing like the feeling of Paul's hand around mine, this feels so grotesque. Until she forced a tighter grip which made me not back out like a coward. The coward that I am and always will be. All of the guys turned to look at us as the door slammed shut by accident behind us. Even Paul's gaze was on us.

"Guys, there's someone I'd like you to meet." Gesturing to the beautiful woman standing next to me, I continued on. "This is Cynthia Powell. We met at a party a few months ago and.. long story short, we're dating now. So she's my girlfriend.. which makes me her boyfriend and it's so nice to finally have a relationship, unlike all of you." All of my words were jumbling together and not in a good way. My head turned around two inches to the left and my eyes landed on the guy that made my heart ache. Seeing the look on Paul's face was heartbreaking. It put me in a trance. Why does he have to look so sad? I don't see why it should matter. Besides, he doesn't see you that way John... never will, he made that very clear. I don't come back until I hear Stu start clapping very loudly at my new found romance.

"WOOO! Finally, Lennon can finally bed a girl. Isn't that great John? You won't have to worry about using your hands anymore." I got embarrassed a bit before he made it worse. "Oh John, there's no need to turn red. It's perfectly normal to want to have a good time without anyone knowing about it." All of them were having a good laugh, except for Paul, I know he's putting up a fake smile. Out of the corner of my very cautious eye, I could see that Cynth was starting to get uncomfortable, fumbling with her dress. So I changed the topic. "Anyway, how about instead of talking about how you all think that I play with myself on a nightly basis, even though I know that you blokes are much worse, why don't we talk about what we came here to do. Actually practice our instruments. Lord knows Stu needs to be better." His little eyes and ears perked up like a gopher, I have to admit it broke me a little. "Yes, I've noticed you slacking off and that's not acceptable for this band. Keep up Sutcliffe." "John-" "You 'eard me! Shape up or yer ass is out."


I will admit, John had luck with that one. But I can't help but want to be her. Being able to hold his hand and kiss him freely in public without judgment or prejudice. I saw she was staring at me a couple of times during practice today. I didn't like it. "Alright, I have to go, but you have fun and call me later. I love you John." "I love you too Cyn." They whispered sweet nothings to each other, John attacking her in a kiss while catching her off guard. Lucky girl, son of a bitch!

I nearly slammed the top of my guitar case onto my hand, having to rid of the anger somehow. Stuart was being his usual annoying self. "Yeah, that's the bloke I became friends with!" I tensed up, seeing John cup her face all the while wrapping his rough lips into hers. Energy ripped through my fingers, wanting to just come up to Cynthia and rip her from my teddy boy. He's not even your partner, stop overreacting! I think George could sense my unease since he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You okay? Need to talk it over?" I thought about pouring my feelings out, but I just didn't have the time nor energy. My legs feeling like weights on my body. "No, I'm fine."

John then walked over to us and sighed. "Okay, what do you think of her? Lay the insults on me." George was about to speak when I shut him up. "She's a pr-" "I think she's sweet, very nice. You deserve someone like that. If she makes you happy, then it shouldn't matter what our opinions are. You deserve to be happy." I nearly thought about kicking George in the shin. He was taken aback. "Wow, I uh, okay." Of course George had to ruin a good thing though. "I think yer a drag and she reflects that." We all chuckled, my happiness faked, me soon digging my fingernails into George's side, hearing a little whimper from the younger one since I hadn't trimmed them for a bit of time. Soon John walked over to Stu, me releasing air I didn't realize I was holding. It hurt a little considering the pressure of air.

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