Chapter Thirteen

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*Again, couldn't have done this without my lovely sister who co-wrote this with me*

Can this summer be any more boring? I'm sat at home in my room with nothing to do, looking blankly at the sheets of paper in front of me. It doesn't help that it's quiet. Don't get me wrong, I love the quiet, but sometimes it just gets tiring if that's all you ever hear. Come on, think McCartney. Anything. Anything! At this point I'm almost pulling my hair, like ripping the follicles will help anything.

I hear a knock at the door, which I very rapidly run down the stair case, fix my hair, and open it. "John? What are you doing here?" "Uh, I was hoping that I could hang with you today, since I have nothing to do. I know that you're probably busy making our next song, but I just wondered." "Yeah, sure. I don't have anything important to do, so."

I rid my hands of the condensation they trapped and left with John, spare key in tow. I became curious. "So...., where to?" "Oh, uh, there's this place that uh, I wanted to show you but um, just thought it was too weird so I decided against it." I pulled on his arm to make him stop walking. "John, if you want we can visit it." I see a feeling of excitement in his eyes. "Really?" "Yes you little shit."

Just like that he ran off giddy, leading me by the wrist. We walked for a while, exchanging glances every few seconds. "Are we there yet Lenny?" "Almost, it's right over there." We walked slightly a few steps, my eyes squinting out of confusion. "Just follow my lead. I've been coming here for literal years, the people here know me like the back of their hand."

I wrapped my fingers around his hand as he leads me through these bright red gates. The place is covered in leaves and greenery, with some brick here and there. "What is this place?" "This is Strawberry Fields. I've been coming here since I was five years old." I looked around in pure shock. "Now, here's where I want you to close your eyes. I have a surprise. Just trust me, I know where I'm going." "You better."

We stopped when I felt his hands on my hips. I couldn't do anything but flinch. "It's alright, I've got you. I'm only sitting you down. Okay, now lean back." I soon felt a warm head on my stomach. "Now, open them." The place had changed to a vast field of grass and meadow. Flowers scattered around us as I glanced to see a tree underneath my back.

"So what is it with you and this place anyway?" I looked down at him to see an exhale. "You don't wanna know Macca." "Of course I do. You're my mate, I should want to know things about you, about your childhood." "No way Paulie." "If you tell I will. I promise." "Fine. But I don't want sympathy alright? I hate it when people pity me." "I promise Johnny, cross my heart hoping to die." I almost giggled when I felt his lungs expanding from above me. "It all started when my father left. I only remember meeting him once, but I still see the look on his face when he slammed the door. Mum said she couldn't handle it, and ran upstairs." He took a minute to pause. "That's when she gave me up. I was sent to live with me Aunt Mimi, having no parents left that cared about me." I felt him shaking. "I was a wreck, and she didn't know what to do with me, so she would just let me roam free in the city. I eventually saw the bright red gates, they were wide open. I saw other kids my age and thought, "Maybe I could play with them, until they have to leave." I got to know them pretty well. Then I found out what this place really is."

I whispered. "What is it?" "An orphanage." Water spilled onto my shirt. I stood up, taking John's wrist and pulling him up with me. His eyes were red, lip whimpering but no tears. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling droplets of water being pulled down. There were no words that could be said.

We ended up sitting under the tree again, not speaking. Our stances were mirrored, knees curled up, arms wrapped up in them. My eyes burned from the tears cried. I miss mum. Why did they have to take her away! Not just from me, from Michael for fucks sake! "Y'know, the world is shitty." "How for you? You have an actual family. A mother, a father, maybe even siblings to care about you." I heard his harsh tone, but I understood. He lost an entire family, I didn't. "I shouldn't be telling you this, but we made a deal. So here it is, my mum passed away two years ago. It was cancer, and by the time they got to it, it was already too late." He looked up to see my tear flooded eyes. "Oh my god James I'm so so-." "Save it John. You can't bring her back. I just don't tell people to spare them fake grievances and so they don't see me as some child." "Look, I'll never do that Paul. I promise." When I looked into his eyes he meant it.

"Wait, Mary McCartney?" "Yeah." "Oh my god, I remember crossing her in the street once. She dragged me all the way back to Mimi's by the ear." "What did you do?" "I tried to steal this man's pen." "John!" I saw him stifle a laugh. "What? I was fifteen at the time and needed something to write with! I was actually going to write to Julia. But I had to return the pen." He looked ashamed. The way he traced his fingers through his hair. "But uh, I got so angry I never did. Mimi talks to her weekly, but I just can't look at her face without remembering what she did. And uh, here we are now and I still haven't said a single word to her in years." I delicately placed my hand on his arm. "Hey, it's okay. You should call her, reconnect." He bounced up in a flash, voice turning cautious. "Are you crazy?!" "You only get one mother John. She'll be pleased to talk to you again. She's the most cool red headed ukulele playing mother I know." "No way Macca!" "Why not?" "You don't know her! She had everything to say to me before she left." I was silent for a moment, knowing he'll always be stubborn. "Do it for me, John."

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