Chapter Sixteen

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*I made it to 2,000 words! And on my own! Yaaaaaayyyyyy! You can follow me for updates on this and my other story, which is a Starrison fan fiction. Called I Live For You. Also please if you like the story, if you could give me an upvote. That way I know you beauties enjoy my content. Sorry, I just needed to get that out there. You lucky people, you get four updates in one day. Anyways peace and love and have fun with this one!

A/N: Future me here! So I ended up deleting the Starrison so I'm sorry for the confusion, but you can follow me for updates on other stories I will hopefully be making in the nearer future :) Enjoy the rest of your day/night ✌️❤️

I still felt the imprint of him on my lips. The warm embrace of his fermented breath. The toughness of his mouth. You got to get yourself together McCartney. You can't like blokes, you'll be beat to death. Wait?- Did he just say he fancies me? No, no that can't be. "So, Macca huh?" "Yeah, I really fancy him. He's so amazing, perfect. Just think of what we could do, together." "I know." My face heated up like a kettle as tears brew in the ducts of my eyes. Oh get over yourself. Y'know how hammered he is right now. Why would he even be into someone like you anyway? You look like a bloody bird and act like one as well. So fucking emotional. Why don't you remove yourself from the world already? It's better off without you anyway. You little grotty repulsive queer!

"Y'know what I love about him most though?" John asked, pulling me out of my internalized destructive thoughts. "Wha'?" "He's so caring and emotional. Cautious, protective, loving. Treats me like a true friend, not even a friend. His best mate, a lover." "Oh, that's nice." I felt his big arms wrap around my waist, his head falling hard onto my shoulder. I spoke up again. "Wanna grab another bevy?" "Yes!" I laughed as he tried to stand up but soon tripped gracefully onto the grass. He looked like a little child who was excited to go on holiday. "Alright Lennon stop messin' about. C'mon."

John hung onto me for dear life as we made our way to the pub closest by. "Only one Paulie, one!" "Oh so now all of a sudden you're in charge? I don't think so Dr. Winston!" I playfully answered. "You heard me!" I almost fell to the floor laughing from the sight of John, hands on his hips, raised eyebrows and sassy tone. "Here, sit down. You'll fall on yer ass again." I pushed on his shoulders to make him sit. I barely had anything when my mate had been downing shot after shot, so I felt I was allowed to have more. "Bartender, make it two shots over here! Extra strong!" I slammed down the money as two glasses were brought over to our booth. I downed the first one quite slowly, not sure how it was going to taste. My throat burned, but I didn't mind it as much.

"Y'know who I like?" I was curious to here his answer. "Who do ya like Johnny?" "Stuart. He's a real bloke, y'know? A big, strong, man to come and save me." I didn't waste my time downing the latter of the drinks I payed for. Just the though of him made my skin crawl. The way he bores his eyes into me, forming attacks with his sentences. I knew from the beginning he loathed me, it's like he preys on me like a cat. The minute I turn my back, bam! I don't know why, I've never tried to piss him off. Although, if he fancies John back it would make sense. But why would he? He's so macho. All I knew and wanted was more of the hard liquor right at my fingertips. "Uh, make it two more! Please!" Soon time passed, my mind fading into oblivion.

"You wanna go home now?" "Yeah." Not to mention John had to match me in the amount of drinks consumed. So when we tried to get up to leave it ended up being which one of us can make it the longest without having to vomit our guts out. I ended up losing, which I did NOT cry about spilling my leftover food out on the floor. "Yer such a lightweight! I can't even believe you lasted that long!" "Thanks Johnny for that." I responded with all the sarcasm I could muster. "Look Macca I'm sorry. Here, don't worry." I was trembling with anxiousness, my eyes filling with water again. I heard his soft voice against my eardrums. "Fuck all of the people that dare stare at my Macca. Just worry about yourself. There's no reason to be afraid of living. I'm here right by your side." My head pounding and my words sloshing together, like a true Brit one might say. "Yer a great guy, y'know tha' John?" "No, but you make me the best I can be. You're the reason I'm great."

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