Chapter Three

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The weeks started to flow by, with us exchanging information. I actually am starting to get to know a lot about John more and more which is quite enjoyable. We both really look up to Elvis, and we even did a mock cover of Jailhouse Rock at one of our small shows. I couldn't stop smiling, seeing how foolish John looked. He held the same look as me, almost winking at the end, which brought a blush to my face.

I'm laid in bed, thinking about what we could do to improve the band. "Paul, someone's on the phone for you!" "I'll be right down Dad!" I quickly slip on a shirt and then run down the stairs to our kitchen. "He says his name is Sean O'Leehon or something like that." I let out a light chuckle.

"Hello John?" "Yay you picked up!" "Wha' are ya doing calling this early in the morning? It's only eight o'clock." "Uh, I was wondering if I could come over? Or you could come over to mine? Mary's not home." "I dunno, I would have to get my dad to agree and it's just complicated." "Come on, it'll be fun! I can show you my song book. Maybe sneak a beer, watch telly." "Okay, but you're picking me up. I'll be ready in half an hour." "Alright, Princess Paulie." "Stop calling me that." " princess." "Bye!" I swear I could almost hear his smirk.

I jogged back upstairs, quickly finding something to wear. I speedily hopped into the shower, lathering on whatever soap I fancied, and throwing random crap in my wet hair. Aah! Stupid soap! Why does it burn this much in my eyes? I tried to flush water in my eye, but just ended up squeezing my eye shut until it stopped. Soon enough all of the product was out of my hair and I threw on clothes. I am wearing a white button up, with black trousers. Time to do my hair.

"Hurry up Paul!" "In a minute Michael!" I combed back the last little strand of hair, biting my lip to concentrate. "I'm serious! John's here for you." I took a small breath and opened the door. "All yours." "God, one of these days you're going to choke on all the steam you create from the shower." I lightly punched his arm and walked into my room to see a teddy boy sprawled out on my bed. "What are you doing?" "Waiting for you to join me.....Princess Paulie." He busted out laughing. "You wanker." I lightly slapped his arm. "Alright, we should probably get going." I grabbed my jacket and we headed out of the door.

I took in his scent. All I could say was that I wasn't mad. His hair is so soft and his eyelashes are so long and luscious. I brush my hand against Paul's feeling his butter soft skin. I saw he was looking at me as I did it. I bit my lip, hoping he wouldn't notice my light pink cheeks. "I'm hungry." "My royal highness didn't eat this morning?" "John I swear to God! But no, I didn't." "I'll get you something. Since I'm also starving and selfish, I'm getting something for me too." I saw him smile, soft expression in his eyes. We walked downtown a bit longer before we hit a shop. "Food!" I squealed like a child. "John, ice cream is not breakfast." "Yes it is, now stop being a bitch and get ice cream with me." I dragged him in to the little shop.

We ordered and waited for our ice cream. "Strawberry? Really? That's why you're my little Princess Paulie." "Shut it, and you shouldn't be having chocolate in the morning for breakfast." "You sound like me mum." I mumbled the last part. "What?" "Nothing." "No, I want to know what you said." "If she was there all the time." "Oh." It got quiet and awkward after that. But soon enough we got our cones and I skipped out of there after I paid the bill.

I was just minding my own business when out of the corner of my eye I see Paul bite his ice cream. "What the hell are you doing?!" "Eating." "Stop that, right now!" "You paid for it." "No, stop BITING your ice cream." "What's so wrong with the way I eat?" "It just, it makes my teeth feel weird and my blood boils with people like you." "Well then, I guess I'll be doing this for the rest of my life with you." I felt blood rush to my cheeks, making them feel warm. "Paul!" "I like seeing you frustrated." "Stooop! I'll hit you, or worse."

"Like what?" "I can't tell you, what goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom." I gave him a cheeky wink. "You little shit." "Ow, you don't need to hit me, I was only kidding." We finished our breakfast and continued down the streets, looking at the gray skies. "Y'know, I really like hangin' with you. It's nice to have someone to talk to." "Yeah, except for when you call me a princess." "I'm truly sorry about that, it's just you're pretty like a princess." I pursed my lips together realizing what I just said. "What?" "What?!" I rubbed my face before I reached the doorknob. "Anyways, I think you'll like it here. I do have a guitar if you wanted to play on that." "Okay." "I'm so excited to show you my song-"

I opened the front door to see a woman with red hair holding a picture frame of me when I was younger. I stood there frozen.


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