Twenty Five (Part 2)

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With that, I began the journey back home. I mean, I did write a note first just so then they wouldn't freak out or anything obviously, but keeping it short. Luckily I had brought my notebook with me, I bring that thing everywhere. I tried to be as nice and everything as possible, but making sure I kept things to myself.

Don't worry if I'm not there when you wake up, I'm not dead, I wasn't kidnapped. I just decided to head back cause I don't want too much work when I get back, plus me dad will want to talk to me. You won't get lost, I wrote directions out.

See ya losers,

- Paul

George was such a worrier sometimes and I just want him to relax a little. Sometimes I think his mum had to do with it, but it's never my place to say. I shouldn't be saying anything really since I do pace around quite a bit, but I'm not focusing on that now. I need to focus on saving energy to stay awake.

John and I hadn't really talked much for some time and it makes me anxious. I know he's fine on his own, he was before he met me, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't go binging again. Thinking about it, nothing really hasn't been the same since our first kiss. Well, our first sober kiss. Which was when, almost a year ago? God, that feels like it happened only a few months back. My god, we've known each other for over two years now. As my legs moved, I started thinking back to that day.

The sun beating down on the ground, the day too hot for a long sleeve, but too cold for a tank top. I however, decided that I was too tough to bow down to the weather. Songbook in hand, I stood in the crowd waiting for this 'band' to start. Music playing, I look into his eyes. He darts away, me feeling a rush of adrenaline.

I notice the sunrise, orange being the most prominent color. I had been so distracted in my thoughts that I hadn't realized I was a few houses from John's. I know this is it. This is the moment. I can wake him up, and just blurt it out, then dart for my life. Butterflies fluttered away as they pleased as it danced around more in my brain. Then John walked out of the house, fully clothed. A smile fills his face as the girl of his dreams joins him in the sun. My stomach fell as I heard their conversation.

"I had a really fun time last night. How about we do that again sometime soon?" "John, you're such a git. I'll think about it, okay?" He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a peck on the lips.

I can't tell him now, I just can't, and won't.

I slowly turned around and made my way down the road, feeling guilt rise in my stomach. "Macca?" I turned once more to see John squinting, obviously not wearing his glasses.

"John. I uh, hi. Just uh, wanted to uh, say that I'm back, from the trip."

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