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Wow, chapter thirty already! God this book is gonna be over two hundred chapters if this is the rate we're going at. So this chapter is a little short of 1,000 words, but I just can't seem to get something that long out right now, and it just continues from the last one so, yeah. It would really be nice if you guys would comment and upvote because I feel like if people don't reply then they hate me or something, stupid I know. But please if you're able to comment your reactions so then I know you guys like it and I'll try to cater.

Peace and Love, Laf.


I watched in horror as my two mates were sucking each other's faces off. They had been acting really weird lately, Paul especially. John has been less pissy, Paul hasn't been this cheerful in a long time, and they keep staring at each other with these dumb grins as if I'm blind like Ray Charles. I never expected to see this, notably from when Paul fucked up what he had said to him.


"G-George this isn't what it l-looks like-" "Oh sure it isn't Paul! It never is, is it?! Tell me then, what the BLOODY FUCK is this?!" We stood in silence and I could practically see the heart beating out of Paul's chest. John on the other hand looked deep in thought. I just was in disbelief, there's no way he would lie to me. Something like this he would tell me right away. John took a step toward me. "Oh so you're just gonna speak for him now yeah?!" "Geo-" He had no time before my hand packed it's full force into his cheek. "GEORGE!" I started to shake as I realized what I had done. My body didn't even give me a warning, it just went fully in like Orpheus. "I-I-" "You need to calm down! Because I'm not yours to take care of and you need to grow up! I won't take you lashing out at my boyfriend like that!" John and I both spoke up instantaneously.

"Your what?"


"Your what?"

I froze. Now they both expected an answer. I'm still trying to comprehend the fact that my mate socked my...well I don't know, in the face. I didn't know he would get so angry at us. Why would he get so miffed? Maybe it's because he's been sayin' he feels left out because he's the youngest in our bunch. I didn't think he actually felt that way and was so upset. "My....." I saw the frustrated look on George's face and then looked over to John. He had a glimmer in his eye, I could feel the flutters like he is right now. Confidence built up in me as I took John's hand.

"My boyfriend. John and I are together, and if you have a problem with that, then too bad George. Why did you get so angry?" He completely just opened the dam. "I just, I'm fucking tired of being left out of the conversation or y'know, the relationship stuff, and I just got so angry when I saw you two because you guys were gonna shag before I get to. Alright? It's bad enough that Stu likes to make off-hand comments when he thinks I'm not listening. Look, I understand if this isn't enough, but I'm sorry alright?" I feel like I forgave him too quickly, but he's my mate. How could I not forgive him? I was him at one point, and he was there to stick it out with me. "Hey, it's okay. I'll talk to Stu, actually both John and I will talk to Stu. You, get yourself a bird. There's plenty out there that would wanna be with you. Or, a bloke if you prefer. I mean, obviously you know how John and I feel about that."

I wish I could have documented the look of George's face in that moment, it was priceless. Skin cherry red, eyes the size of footballs, and I swear his head couldn't be hanging any lower or else it would snap off. "Wait, how long have you guys been together?" I looked at John and he squeezed my hand, saying it's okay. "I uh, we got together last month." "Damnit!" "W-what?" I stuttered, fearing he would lash out again. "I gotta go see Rit- uh, Pete. I owe him twenty fucking pounds, wanker." He's hiding something. That smile is too wide. For Christ's sake he's showing the canines. Yep, he's definitely hiding something. George has this smile on his face, eyes sparkling. "You guys have a fun time shaggin', just don't dirty the beds." "Sure Geo."

As soon as the door shut I lightly kissed John. "Are you okay, babe?" I couldn't help but feel helpless seeing that smile. "As long as I've got you, love. So, we're boyfriends?" My words started to jumble. "I mean I only said it because George had hit you so, if you don't wanna be then I-I understand, if you wanna end what we had and don't wanna see me ever-" I fell backwards as John attacked me in a slobber of a kiss. I smiled as he cupped my face and laid kisses all over it, kissing my lips once more. "Paul, I don't care. I just wanna be with you." "So, will you be my boyfriend?" "Yes yes yes yes! Of course I'll be yer boyfriend!" Happiness filled my heart as he kissed me for what feels like the thousandth time.

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