Chapter Twelve

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A/N: So this wouldn't be possible without my lovely sister. She's the one that wrote the entire thing, I just edited and revised a little. So thank her for this wonderful story line. We both love writing and we're thinking about maybe writing a story together, so if you would want to see that please give this part an upvote and we'll talk it over. The forthcoming chapters might be quite emotional, so just prepare for that mentally as backup. If you want to follow me that would be nice since I need more friends :( I wish you peace and love wherever you lovelies are, and enjoy!

My feet dragged into the club late. I couldn't imagine being in John's shoes right now. Worrying whether or not I'd show up. Especially how things ended last night. They instantly stopped playing once all of them saw me trample in. His was the first face I saw. A furrowed brow and irritated look across it. He was pissed with me. "Excuse us folks, we're gonna take a five minute break." He looked me dead in the eyes while saying "Our other guitarist just got here." They walked off the stage and John bolted towards me at the right stage wing. "Where have you been, Macca? You're late." "I-" "Twenty minutes late. Care to explain or do I have to push it out of you?" Oh lord, please let him understand. I fixed my posture then ventured to give him my reason.

"Y'know what? Save it for later. Get your guitar tuned. We have a show to do." He angrily walked back onstage with me following behind. We finished out the first half of our set with my guitar being in tune the best it could while still sounding like shit. John's eyes glared into me the entire time. He was truly pissed. Nearly pushed me down the stairs of the stage. "Okay, McCartney, let's hear it. Why were you so damn late?" Please don't be mad. Here goes nothing. "My dad was holding me back from practice because I didn't do my homework." He cocked his head slightly to the right. "But you normally bring it here so we can help you. What's going on Paul?" The lump in my throat grew bigger as I tried to swallow it. "That's the thing, John.. he wanted to see that I've done it." He came up close to me. "I feel like there's something you're not telling me. Spill it." My eyes started welling up. Don't do this Paul, not now. Not in front of John. "Paul, you're starting to scare me. What's the matter?.. Paul?" I froze for a moment and just stared into his light brown eyes. The lighting in the room made them radiate warmth. Finally, I gave up.

"He said-, he said I am not allowed to see you anymore." "What do you mean?.."  "He thinks you're a bad influence on me. I tried to tell him otherwise but he only yelled at me more and f-forbid you from coming over until I do better with school." Suddenly, his warm gaze turned to stone. "Oh, oh I see how it is." I immediately regret telling him that. "No John-" "No I know exactly what this is! Go hang with your "real" friends Paul. I'll just be sitting in my house alone with my cigarettes and my horny teenage lyrics while you go party it up with fucking Hazza! "John that's not what I-" "Leave me alone!" "Johnny please-" It came out as a squeak. "Fuck off Macca!" The rough edge in his voice grew stronger. His big, tensed muscles stormed off outside and slammed the door leaving me in complete tears. What have you done? God, quit being a dumbass Paul. You knew he'd react like that but you decided to tell him the truth anyway. Head in my hands sitting on the steps, I felt a set of arms hugging my shoulders from behind. They were gentle. George Harrison.

"I'll go talk to him, you stay here. Have a bevy or somethin'. And tune yer guitar." He handed me a fiver and ran off to catch John. My quivering fingers messed with the tuners on my guitar until I couldn't see them anymore. The cloud of tears pooled up in my eyes. I hurt him... I hurt John. How could I have done this? God, you're such a prick! Why do you always have to screw things up? He actually liked you. A person actually liked you enough to be friends with them and now you had to push them away! You're pathetic Macca! The words swirling around in my head. What would your mum think about all this? She would be ashamed of you for being such a fucking coward. I stabbed myself in the chest with my own words. No one will ever love you if you don't stop screwing up. "Come here, Paulie." I didn't even see him come up to me. Suddenly I was in George's arms.

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