Chapter Four

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"Oh my god, John!" I watched as she dropped the picture frame and walked over to me. "You've grown so much." She placed her hands on my face. "What the hell are you doing here?!" "Well, I-" "You think you can just walk in here, look around and expect me to just go along with it?!" "I-" "Because I'm not falling for it again! Get the hell out!" "Please-" "I don't fucking care, now get out of my house!" I could feel the pressure in my blood soar with the feel of her touch. "John please-" "No! Goodbye! Leave my property! I don't need you!" "Fine-"

"John, stop being a prick! This woman doesn't need to leave. Now let her get more than two words in before you throw another tantrum!" I heard Paul snap back at me. "Paul, you don't understand-" "I don't wanna hear it Lennon!" "Fine." I walked off into the kitchen, fuming with anger.

"I'm Paul McCartney, we haven't met." "I'm uh, Julia Stanley." My fingernails dig into the palms of my hands. "John is um, my son." I saw his eyebrows raise, and then he nodded. "Yes, I've heard a little bit about you. It's nice to finally meet you." I let out a sigh. I walked over to the staircase. "I'll be in my room." "Johnny please-" "I said in my room!" I was about halfway before I heard a stern voice. "John Winston Lennon get back down here right now." All the pain that has been building up finally burst like a bomb. "FUCK OFF!"

I ran the rest of the steps, heavily slamming my door. My hands were shaking with pure fright. Why, why did it have to be her? I collapsed on my bed, shortly before hearing a quiet knock. "John? May I come in?" "No." "Too bad." I heard a click, signifying the door was closed and locked. "John, that is no way to treat your own mother." I saw him cross his arms as he said it in a calm way. "Maybe not for you." "Don't get snappy with me, because I will fire back." "I'd like to see you try."

He grabbed my face and pulled it close to his. "You go back downstairs and apologize to her right now or else I'll quit the band." I crossed my arms. "Like I need you in the band anyway. We were fine before you came along." "Yes but look at how much more recognition you're getting. I have a person I'd like to introduce to you for the band." "McCartney not another member, there's already too many for that." "Or, some you could do away with. I see how unhappy they are. Stuart for example-" "No, we are not getting rid of Stu!" "Okay, I was saying that some of them we could do without. Now, go downstairs and apologize to your mother."

I stood up, blood rushing to my brain. "But  why? It won't matter, I know what'll happen!" He lowered his voice. "Because she's your mother. Now I don't know why you're all upset but please, just do it for me." "Fuck you Macca." "I hope not." I swung my door open and sauntered down the stairs. I looked over to see her sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. "Go on." I heard Paul lightly whisper. I gave a look of disgust.

She had long hair compared to the last time I saw her. It was delicately curled and was pinned back on one side. I made tiny steps one at a time. I heard sniffles as I softly sat on the couch. "I'm a horrible person. Now even my own son won't speak to me."

My arms slowly made their way around her frame. "It's okay Paul, I knew he would react like this. He's always been that way. I guess it's one of the things he inherited from his father." I tightened my grip.

"Mummy..... I'm sorry."


"There is no way that happened!" "I'm being serious! He thought that I was genuinely trying kill him!" "But he's just an innocent patient!" "I know! That's what gets on me nerves! Is that they don't trust you to do your job, and then they wonder why their condition is worsening." We had got to talking, and I realized I missed this. She liked rock and roll, she was even the one who initially taught me to play guitar. Even though Paul had to correct her mistakes, I got the initial chord playing down. The three of us were having the most grand time, laughing non stop.

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