A Change of Heart

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"Ready, John?" I breathed low into my diaphragm, feeling a wave of excitement flow over me picturing the nice weather I'll see in a few hours. "Yeah. This trip is just what I need." "Did you talk to Cynthia before you left?" Brian asked like a mother, as if I hadn't had to reassure her that I would be fine and that nothing would happen while I'm gone. "John." "Of course I did, Eppy." I chuckled as he rolled his eyes to the nickname I had given him a few months ago. "She's a nice girl, John. You shouldn't even be on this trip with me." "The next time you mention either my wife, the fact I shouldn't be here because Paul bailed on going with the two of us or Paul in general, yer gonna be what my kid has as a godfather."

Picking up my bags, I continued walking through the airport, feeling a rush of blood in my veins. The air smelt of fresh rain from the retreating winter when we first walked in and now all I want to do is submerge my nostrils in the scent before we descend into the impending sky. "Stop the weird antics, John. I don't want people to stare at us." Brian snapped, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose to ease a brewing headache. I ruffled the back of his short, buzzed hair and commenced on, getting our luggage checked through quickly since there wasn't anything to beware of. "You two gettin' away to meet some foreign birds?" The checker asked us, mainly focusing his look on me. "Yeah, it'll be gear once we get out to Spain and get to see all of those tanned beauties." I replied, feeling a blush feather my face from just the thought of the gear women we'd meet out there. "Controlling himself will be part of my job, I'm guessing Mr. Lennon?" Brian remarked towards me through a smile that could only last a few moments longer.

"I take it you two are related?" The guy questioned as Brian wrapped his arm around my shoulder nonchalantly. "Yes, very close friends who want to meet a nice lady down in Spain, isn't that right, John?" My fake cousin for this conversation, also known as Eppy, replied. I could nearly submerge myself in the tension as he ruffled up my, finally for once, neatly combed hair. My fingers ached to fix the front bit, but then I would be the joke of the week because I did something that resembles Paul.

Right, on with the antics. Soon we were sitting down in our seats and I felt my hands shaking a bit as Mr. Epstein over there pulled out a book. The Picture of Dorian Gray, huh. Wonder what 'e thinks of it. Warm beams of sunlight peeked from the clouds tickling my face, comforting my cold skin. Wonder what Stu would have thought of it. Probably would have called it a line between rubbish and valuable.


Turning the key to the knob on the hotel room door, I throw my luggage onto the floor and fall back onto one of the beds feeling the fluid in my spinal joints readjust themselves with a satisfying crackling sound. A ripple of serenity fell onto my brain releasing all of the tension in the entirety of my bone brackets, if you will, by hearing them crack like when you decide to break big sticks as a little kid to have a sword fight with another kid your age. "Could you not do that? It's bloody annoying." Brian grunted at me for no apparent reason. He's always joked that I'll be the one to give him grey hairs, but at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if I did.

"Y'know what? It doesn't matter because I'm going to enjoy myself on this holiday and I don't give a damn what you decide to do." My roommate for this stay sassed as he rummaged through his bags to find a lighter fabric shirt to change into. "Just," he paused, "Don't burn the room down, will ye?" I lit a quick bifter, inhaling some of the smoke while walking over to Brian, slowly blowing it across his stone cold face taking the scent of his cologne in. "I'll try not to......Eppy."

He grabbed one of the keys off of the tiny sofa we have in here. "Where ye goin'?" I buzzed. "None where your interests should be, Lennon." Brian quipped rather hastily. My eyebrows furrowed as he flung the door open, flinching slightly when the shutting sound practically smacked my eardrums. 'E doesn't want me to go, well why don't we just go with him? I rummaged through all of my clothes to see if there was something cooler I could wear considering the warm rising weather, everything landing on the floor from my nimble fingertips, feeling the stress pump through my bloodstream as I see him slipping further away from me. "Fuck it." I shoved on some dark denim trousers that would work for now along with a simple white t-shirt as I grabbed the other key to the room and practically skipped out of the room, giddy about being in the shadows of Mr. Brian Epstein and what he does on holiday. Probably reads whole novels within a week or does the crosswords from the papers.

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