Chapter Two

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Oh my god, I think I might be queer. Either that or he just looks that gorgeous to everyone. I swallowed hard, looking at his perfectly soft lips and dazzling hazel eyes. "Uh, do you have any other material? Maybe I could show you some of my stuff." He gave a sly remark, clearly picking up my nature. "Well, maybe I should come to your house, and I'll show you then." I felt all the condensation in my palms. "Oh, uh, um, yeah." I hacked up an anxious cough.

"Aren't we supposed to be packing up for practice Lennon?" Stu almost whispered in my ear, which made the hair on my neck stand up. "Oh, uh, yeah. I'll start packing now." "Come on John." He pulled my hand and dragged me over to my equipment just to make sure I actually kept my promise. Paul still walked over with me though. "Could, I uh, audition perhaps?" He asked in a very kind manner. "Audition?" "Yeah, I play guitar, and this band could use a good player for once." I laughed at his witty response. "Let's see how good a player you are Macca." That name just naturally slipped off my tongue like common language.

"You're really gonna let him off the bat? I had to kiss your ass for a year to play." I heard Colin complain. "That was you kissing up to my arse? Honey, you need better skills then to be a leech. Cause you ain't sucking enough, unless it's a bird." I heard bursts of laughter all around me. Turning slightly to see Paul covering his mouth to be courteous, but to still be in on the fun. God, I want to hold him. He's like a Greek god with those cheekbones, but a Greek goddess with those eyelashes and nose. "John?" "Huh?" "I said are you ready to go?" "Oh uh, yeah, just give me a minute." I walked off the stage. "How about I take you up on that offer McCartney. Come to practice with us, we'll see who's a better player." He looked with a mischievous glance. "Alright."

We all walked back to the school for practice. I mean, that's the whole reason for the band name, it's Quarry Bank Secondary School. Stu was brushing his arms against mine, making me a little uncomfortable. Not that I didn't like it, it's just it felt weird that other people could see it. We set up when I heard a small voice. "Could I have a guitar? I don't have mine with me." I couldn't resist.

"Here, borrow mine. See if you can handle it." "I'm perfect thank you." He said sarcastically. I saw he flipped it the other way, which confused me. "Wait, what're ye doin'?" "Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm left handed, so I play the chords upside down." I saw the tiny wink he gave. "What are ye gonna play pretty boy?" Stu chimed in. "Twenty Flight Rock." I almost burst out in chuckles. "Seriously?" "Ya heard me right?" "Yeah." "Then that's what I'm playin'."

My jaw almost dropped down. He was playing and singing Twenty Flight Rock like it was no huge deal. I couldn't even decipher the lyrics, let alone switch the chords that fast. He has the voice of a river that flows swiftly. He kept giving me cheeky glances as to say "Face to lose now?" He finished up, questioning me. "So, what do ye think, penitentiary boy?" I felt blood rise to my cheeks. "You were alright." "So were you." I turned to the rest of them. "Ivan? Stu? Shotton? Colin?" Ivan responded. "I like it. It's satisfactory."

"Well, he thinks you're alright. I think you're alright, for a left handed player." I shot back. "Stuart?" "It wasn't bad." "Mr. Sutcliffe liked it." "So....?" I hesitated for several moments, looking up and down at his outer appearance and flashing moments of his sassy remarks.

"You're in."

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