Chapter Nine

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I woke up the next morning with a raging headache. I hadn't drank that much, did I? Suddenly my door opens and in comes Pete. "Shotton wha' are ya doing here?" "Get yer ass out of bed, we're gonna be late." "Late for what?" "Practice you dumbass!" "Shit!" I threw on a shirt and trousers faster than light. "You're seriously going out like that?" "You're one to talk." "John, you're hair." I noticed my hair in the mirror and it was all types of crazy.

"Oh for fuck sake!" I lathered gel in my hair and swiftly combed it out and took hold of my guitar. "Ya ready now?" "Wanker." "You should take a gaze at yourself." We made our way to practice with a few stares granted. "Where the hell have you been?" "Well George, there's this thing called I don't give a fuck, you should try it." "John..." "Yeah yeah I know, behave." The way Paul said my name made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. Like he fancies me. But it's probably just my imagination more than anything else. "Alright no need to be a drag, c'mon get yer shit set up Johnny." "As you request Macca."

I spotted an empty space at the front and set my guitar down. Relax, its just Paul. I looked over to my right and almost had a heart attack. "Hey." "Hey, S-Stu." Stop stuttering! "So uh, how'd it go with Mimi?" "Oh uh, it uh, it was f-fine. She didn't make a big deal, kind of just rolled her eyes when I walked in the door." "Oh, great to here." I finished setting up and quickly lit a cigarette. My face was warm and it hadn't even been a couple minutes. I looked over to see Paul and George exchanging glances but I couldn't exactly pick anything up. "Let's get started shall we? We're already half an hour behind." "What makes you leader? I say when we start!" I jumped back a bit when he snapped slightly. "Shut it John! I've had it with yer yap! Now, there are some people who would like to get off of their asses and play! Got it?" I saw his head bob towards Paul, but I just shrugged him off. They all turned their eyes towards me. "Come on you 'eard the boy! We've got music waitin'." Everything went off in a hitch, me stealing glances from Paul every song or so. He held this twinkle that made my lips tug up.

"I'm goin' out for a smoke." "I'll join ya." I walked outside for the cold air to hit my face. It was gray and cloudy out, but it's Liverpool, what do you expect. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. What happened should just be forgotten about and moved on from." "Yeah, I understand mate. You weren't yourself." "Yeah." There was stressed silence. "But what if I can't?" "Huh?" "What if I can't, Stu?" "You'll just have to, because I have to as well." "Why though?" "Because of this." I felt his lips attack mine with a passion hot as a furnace. My hands glided through his hair, feeling the smooth gel and grease trapped within. My muscles begin to weaken as he moves his lips down my neck. "Stu..."

"John...John!" "Huh? What?" "Were you listening at all? I asked if you wanted to go back in." "Oh, yeah. It's getting pretty chilly." My cheeks turn red as my feet slide on the ground. "Would you uh, would you mind grabbing a drink sometime?" He concentrated for a moment before speaking. "Yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt. You are my mate." I felt a pat on my shoulder. "Great."

I saw the glances George was giving me once a in a while. It looked like he was telling me we need to talk. I don't remember when it started, but it feels like we can almost read each other's minds. Like, have a full on conversation. Maybe it was the factor of our ages being so close together. "I'm goin' out for a smoke." "I'll join ya." I put down my bass and he was glaring at John.

"Of course you would, ya little subservient whipped pig-" I hit him across the shoulder. "Wha'?" "What's gotten into you? Do you hate John or something? Do you like him?" "No of course not ya pansy! I'm not queer. It's just it seems that he's getting too close, and I know some people have a problem with it. I know someone who does like him-" I raised my eyebrows in excitement. "Oh my god who is it I need-" "But I'm not saying who! They would get very upset with me if I told you. So keep quiet Macca! All I know is that I think John might like them too. But judging by today, I think he's moved onto Sutcliffe." "What are you talking about?" "I'm saying, I think that Sutcliffe has feelings for John, and John fancies Stuart. Which could mean they're dating secretly-"

"John and Stu!?......" I covered my hand realizing what I just said out loud. My eyes darted down as I felt all of their gazes on me. "What about us Paul? Something you want to discuss?" I looked into Stuart's glare and sprinkles of fear fell on me. "I uh, I'll be back in a second. I'm not feeling well." I rushed throwing on my jacket and grabbed my book, running out the entrance. The frigid air hit me and I shivered. I quickly grabbed my pack and my lighter. Footsteps were coming closer and I booked it down the road. "Paul. Macca, you're not getting away this easy! James slow your fookin' pace!" I turned around and finally realized who it was. "Oh, it's you. I thought you were John." There was a pause to catch our breath, but then he resumed. "What the hell happened back there!? I mean, do you not understand the reason it was silent?" "I do and you don't need to yell at me! It just slipped out alright? I didn't mean to make a scene." "You are clumsy. But don't let that happen again! I'm not the one who's supposed to be cleaning up your messes." We sat there for a moment. "I mean, of course it would be me to fuck up. It's just apart of my personality, really." "Give me one." He practically ripped the pack out of my hands and took my lighter gently, making me chuckle a bit. "I don't want to risk playing with fire." The silence was comforting in its own way, with no one around. I looked at George, seeing his satisfaction with the toxins he was inhaling. He peered at me, connecting our brains again.

"Paul, this isn't you. Why did you actually do it?" He could read anyone, it's like he has a bullshit detector built in his retinas. "I- I don't know honestly. I mean, if he's queer, that's fine with me. But Stu is one of our band mates, y'know? If something were to happen then what does that mean for the band?" "Yeah, I get what yer sayin'." "And, what would happen to our friendship, our partnership for that matter?" "Yeah.....Do you happen to like someone?" "What-? No! No of course not! I'm not looking for a bird right now. Y'know, uni is where you should be." "Oh, just thought you might-" "And trust me I could get any girl I bloody fancy! She'd be so overjoyed. One of these days I'll save up money and they'll see!" "So uh,'re not queer by any chance?" "No, I mean, no. Why do you keep insisting that?" "Just curious." The thing is, I was lying. But I knew well that it wasn't good enough of a convincing statement with my fuschia flushed cheeks and with George's psyche. "Well, one of these days if you need help I will be there every step of the way." "Thanks, mate."

A: Dazed here! So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I think it's probably the best filler chapter I could write and my sister approves of it, so yeah if that matters. I do write mainly realistic fiction, but I wanted to do this kind of mind reading thing, and you'll see why in future chapters but that's the only thing that strays away from it basically. It'll be selective mind reading, so stay tuned ;) Feel free to comment anything I could work on, it'll be taken into consideration for reference. You can follow me for updates considering I won't always have all of this time on my hands, upvotes are appreciated since it shows you like the story and my material. Anyways, I wish all of you loves have a great day wherever you are. Also,

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