The Word

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Yeah, he's miffed. I really should have thought this through. I decided to tell Paul about the situation at hand, and let's just say that I had to take him into a more sound proof room because of all the screaming. I just, I know that this will subside eventually, but he doesn't seem to see that. I see why, he and Stu haven't seen eye to eye since the beginning.

"YOU WERE SO, FUCKING IDIOTIC THAT YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF CONSULTING ME?! YER FUCKING BOYFRIEND OF ALL PEOPLE!" He was shouting so loud that his voice started to sound scratchy and steam was blowing out of his ears like a kettle. I could see his hands were shaking, anxiety filling the other half of his brain. I needed to take the calm approach with Paul, I know how he gets when he's screamed at. Even though he's bloody wailing at me. "Paul, it's only for a week-" "A week MY ARSE JOHN! Do you realize how fast he can steal you away from me in a week?! I mean, if you were that stupid to fully give in to his offer I guess that just shows how much I MEAN TO YOU AND THIS THING WE HAVE! OR SHOULD I SAY USED TO HAVE?!" He was about to grab the handle when I gripped his wrist. I had to get my emotions out, and yelling is one way. If Paul has been yakin' at me like this, I'm allowed to do it.

"Hold on, wait a minute Paul!" He wriggled away, running outside into the cold autumn air, me going after him. "Paul, stop running!" We ran and ran, racing after each other in circles, him never turning back to see if I was there. At this point we've reached clear open fields, so I can scream if needed. "Macca please!" The clouds had no chance of disappearing this day, a few of them joining together to make an even darker object of matter. I felt tears sting my eyes. He's ending it, after all this time of pining and messing around with me, he's ending it. Get ready to say goodbye to the best thing that happened to you John. I needed to get my truth out in the open if this is truly the end. It's the end of John and Paul, soulmates for eternity.

"WHO SAID I NEVER CARED?! WHO SAID I WOULDN'T DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN IF IT MEANT I GOT TO BE HERE RIGHT NOW WITH YOU?!" I felt a few pellets of water drip onto my face. At this point I had stopped running, grasping for air.


Time stopped completely. My heart skipped a few beats, recognizing what I had just done. Paul turned around and ran to me. He spat in my face, still yelling. "YOU WHEN YOU MADE THAT AGREEMENT WITH-" I saw his face drop as he processed what I had yelled to him. "Y-You wha'?" I closed the gap between us and buried my lips into his passionately, feeling his soft hair. He kissed back and it felt like the first time all over again. Rain fell onto our coats, but it didn't matter. I have all I need in front of me.

"I love you."

"John, I don't know what to say. I-,"

This time he enforced me in a kiss, feeling his soft hands cup my face. My stomach flickered with butterflies, wanting nothing more than to just stay this way. Passion always filled these moments, but this time I almost couldn't handle it. My legs weakened, my lower half feeling like gelatin. But I had to stay strong as Paul wrapped his legs around my torso.

"I love you too Johnny."


Needless to say we practically ran a marathon into Strawberry Fields, holding hands and never wavering smiles. The place seems bigger now, and more rich with trees and other greenery. My heart is exploding from the feelings inside. I love James Paul McCartney and I don't fucking care who knows. I picked my boyfriend up bridal style and spun him around, burying kisses all over his face. His snickering made it all the more real. I set him down and I took his hand, running towards the bushes. He pulled me down, quickly taking off my jacket. We began kissing each other, not taking a moment apart. My hands make their way to his bum, pulling us closer together.

I breathed softly as he began to lay soft kisses on my exposed neck, his tongue like a white kitten. I felt my heart beat faster as his hand pressed against the seam of my trousers. "Paul, are you sure you wanna do this, right now? Cause once I do this I can't back out. Well, I can but I just-" He placed his finger against my lips. "I want to do this with you John. I'm professing my love to you through this action. I want you to do this to me." The space in my trousers was being filled out needless to say, a chill running down my spine. "If my love has sent an order, I must follow it."

I slowly began to reach for the belt of his trousers, being careful as to not hurt him. As I pulled his lower clothing down, I placed rough kisses onto his bare neck. I could see he was getting red in the face. "J-Johnny p-please." "Please what my love?" I needed a verbal answer or else I'm not going to do this. "I want you to take me, and corrupt me. I've been very good Johnny. Please, take me." With that I lowered myself above him, placing a soft kiss onto his lips once more.


"I, love you. So much."

I felt so out of breath, heat rising in my cheeks. But I felt happiness in my heart, knowing that John loves me, and I love him the same or maybe even more. I let him confess his love in the most close way, and I just know that whatever happens, nothing can come between this.

"I love you too Macca. So fucking much."

He began to get his clothes back on, me smiling to myself at his cute bum. He noticed my stares and lightly hit me on the arm, placing a warm kiss on top of my lips. I tapped his nose, exploding on the inside seeing his wide smile. I couldn't get enough of this bloke if I tried. "You gonna get dressed love?" I hesitated telling him or not. I mean, we literally just had sex but it's weird to talk about. He could not want to talk to me. "Love? Is everything alright?" I feel so embarrassed, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. My lip started to quiver. He knelt down by me and started rubbing my hand. "Oh love, please don't cry. I just want to know if everything's okay."

"I-I can't get up. I-It h-hurts." I managed to get out. I actually couldn't feel my legs, and my pelvis felt like someone had kicked it while wearing heels. Is this what ladies feel like? Well, I don't know. But I had to try and find a way to get me trousers on. "Hey, Paulie listen to me. I'm sure it's just because this is our first time, okay? There's been plenty of people who have went through the same thing. What I'm tryin' to say is that it's normal, and I'll be more careful next time." "W-Why are ye so s-sweet?" "Because you intervened, and I couldn't have a better boyfriend if I went searching all over the globe." I felt butterflies in my stomach as he laid a kiss on my forehead.

He held his hand out gently and I took it, him pulling me up carefully in not wanting to hurt me. "Thank you, love." I lifted his hair, kissing his forehead calmly. I still feel weird using pet names, but I love seeing his little smiles. Shortly after I slipped on my trousers and swallowed the pain the best I could. I was putting my boots back on when I noticed John staring. "Is there something on me?" "No." "Then why are you staring at me?" There was no response, so I continued with my business. I felt lips attack me, heart racing fast. Luckily my boot was on securely, but no John in sight. I walked out to see him gazing at the barren tree in the middle of the field. I raced towards him and attacked his lips in a game. "Ye little shite."

"Just know that I love you. No matter what. I just, this has to be done." I got what he was referring to. "I-I know." I felt tears escape my eyes, not wanting to think about what'll happen when we walk into practice. John will be Stuart's for the week, and I can't do anything about it. I can't cuddle me boyfriend, can't kiss him, can't hold his hand. For a week. It hasn't even started and I already am pacing about it. It's not that I don't trust John, I trust him with all I have. Stuart is the one that I know will try to change the deal on us. He's wanted John for almost as long as I have, and I've seen how he can get with his birds. John took hold of my shaky hand and squeezed it.

"I-I know this is hard. I know it's gonna be hard to let me go. But I'm doing this for us. I'm putting these feelings behind me. The only one I want, is you. It's always been, Macca." Hot tears ran down my face, the cold air not helping. "I-I know it's gonna be o-okay. I just-, I waited so long for you, a-and now....I-I'm losing y-you-" "Hey, yer never losing me. I know what Stuart is like, I've known him for years. He's just gonna end up letting me go to be with you, and I'm fine with that. Because that means I get to be with the most amazing person in the world for the rest of my life." I pulled him in for one last deep kiss before we set off for the Cavern.

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