She Loves You

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A/N: German translation from Google is "We're gonna take a short break folks." Again, this won't be 100% accurate since I am not even CLOSE to being fluent in any other language except the one I am typing with, but I wanted to add some German in there for it to match the setting. This is a long one bois, so strap yourself and your Beatle bible in.

I heard him. Oh, I heard him well, trust me. But now, where does that leave me? Do I just confront him and kiss his sexy face off, or do I wait and make him miserable like he did me? I mean, he could have been on things when he said it. I don't even remember what happened really up until the haze faded out and I was sitting on the ground outside the pub, his hand on my thigh. Then again, I still was very out of it. Either way, I have to deal with this bleeding headache that is punishing me. Have I had a headache every day since the first day here? Maybe, but we won't mention it. I want to talk to him, but how? The other three are always around and we can't ever be alone. Mainly George at Paul's hip, which that gets on me nerves. Was it awkward when we woke up in the same bed and the rest of them just stared on? Yes, but we all laughed it off and didn't make a big fuss about it. We were both wasted when it happened, what do you expect?

I've waited so long for this, I should be happy. But I'm not. He waited until LAST WEEK to tell me, when he could have spilled it literally two years EARLIER. Why? Why did he wait? I shouldn't be so focused on this, but I can't quit. This is illegal. We can't be going around saying how we feel for people of the same gender. This has got me so overworked that I just had to get outside for a breather. I love him, and he loves me. That should be it. No police arresting us, no screamin' from family, none of that.

But that's not how life works eh? Throws you off when ya least expect it, right? Maybe I should just do it to get it over with. I mean, no harm no fowl. If he doesn't want to be with me, what was I expecting honestly? Who would want someone with this face? This body? I almost look as bad as George. Not to mention how I'm just this asshole of a guy. It makes sense why your parents left you. You don't know when to shut yer trap, you get overly aggressive, and yer too witty to be left alive. Fucking cunt.

My head pounded harder as the wind slashed my face, leaving a numb area on my face. It had only been a few days since the 'incident', but my brain has now become mono tracked. Oh for fucks sake, if it's bothering you this bad just talk to the poor bloke! Oh, the feeling of the first cigarette in the morning is something a person never forgets. You savor it, because the moment will always be tampered with after the initial drag. Not too long, as the chemicals may reach the brain, but you can't let it be too slack or it won't give the rush. Speak of the devil himself.

"Hey John." "Hey Paul." He seemed very calm and relaxed, compared to the other times we've been in the same room. It kind of made me on edge, if I'm being honest. At any moment he could attack me with full force and I wouldn't know what to do. "I uh, I needed to talk to you. That's the reason I came out here." "Okay." My stomach began its daily routine check for acid to be thrown out like the other rubbish. "Look, I know that what happened was innocent and a drunken mistake, but I don't like joking about it. So, just know that I'm not lashing out on purpose at you or anything. I just can't take much more of my life being picked apart for a good laugh." "Good to know. And, look, I'll get them to lay off if ya like. It's getting pretty old, ain't it?" "Yeah."

Now's yer chance John, ask him out or whatever people do. I felt my hands clog with sweat as my voice began to shake. "Hey uh, Paul?" "Yeah John?" I watched as he reached for a cigarette out of his pocket, making me more anxious than previously. "Would you uh, um, would you like to g-grab a d-drink after the show tonight?" Way to go Winston, ya probably made him more confused.

"Yeah sure, why not?" My heart was skipping two beats at a time.

"Alright, sounds great."


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