Next Time You Offend Me, I Won't Be That Nice

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Three summers later

Today they would come to take me back. It was only a matter of time. I had to leave this place that became my home. Leave the sisterhood that became my family. Sighing, I watched my face in the mirror on the wall. I had matured. When I arrived at the coven three summers ago, that was located  in an old fortress in the midst of a lake, I was a small girl with a heartshaped innocent face. You could see nothing more than thin legs and arms, long hair, big yellow eyes and ... many fears. Well, my eyes were still yellow and would remain that way, till the day I would be claimed by my destined. Now I am a decent 5"8, my face thinned out into an oval form, I have muscles, cut my hair short, had a piercing through my septum as a sign that I belong to the sisterhood and inked designs on my right shoulder and arm. 

I've changed a lot, not only physically but also mentally. When I arrived at the doors of the Laidir, I hated them, hated being here ... hated everything. And the Laidir didn't have an ounce of sympathy for the girl who was uprooted, who had to leave her only family behind. They forced me to grow up, to take responsibility for my actions, to train ... hard. The first six months were gehena on earth. I cried nearly every night because of my misery: there wasn't an inch of my body that wasn't hurting. I felt ridiculed and simply horrible. My self-esteem was at the lowest. 

Three months after arriving, I cut my hair nearly to a bald head, because it was disturbing, mainly while training. After four months I stopped the mourning and concentrated on getting fit enough to endure the training. I made a friend, Yirina, who, like me, was a novice, although she was a born Laidir. 

The girls were summoned by birth. You could have Daonnachd parents but be born with the mark of the sisterhood on your forehead, right above the root of your nose. It was a little blue dot, as big as the nail of your small finger. Only girls were born with this mark of destiny. Parents had to deliver the girls to the coven as babies. It was hard, but providence. The girls were equiped with special abilities: they were faster, bigger and stronger than normal females. And...they were barren. They couldn't conceive children.

I thought a lot about the Laidir. Nature wasn't that cruel. This wasn't normal. I've had a feeling, that something was artificially designed in their genes a long time ago. Our human ancestors did many researches ... many cruel laboratory experiments. They changed the human DNA and not only for the sake of mankind. I promised myself, that when I get back to Gordan, I'll talk to the eldest of our council about the Laidir. Perhaps they could help to solve the riddle.

Yirina entered  my little cell without knocking. „We got message, that the Creachadair are nearing. In one hour they'll be here." I turned to her. How I would miss her. She was my friend, my sister and the person I trusted the most. „I never told you, but I love you, Yirina." Her cold grey eyes softened at my open display of feelings. The Laidir rarely showed affection. If they really held feelings for you, they would show them through actions not through tenderness or sweet words. 

Suddenly I was embraced by Yirina's big arms. I was surprised, but took what was offered so generously. She was one head taller than me, with broad shoulders and a wide chest. Her female attributes were nearly non-existent, because she didn't have an ounce of fett on her body. She was all muscle. Laidir had all shaven bald heads, a piercing through their septum and a body full of ink. Only novices had a buzz cut. The signs on their skin were earned, not a display of their taste. The symbols were proof of their skills and abilities as a warrior. Your body was a map for your enemies to read - and a fair warning. 

All women wore leather pants and a leather tank tops. Hidden in their clothes were small weapons like knifes, poison arrows, choke wire and other things. One year ago, when our Matron, the superior of the coven, gave me my piercing, I got the clothes and my weapons. It was the happiest day of my life. For the first time I was proud of who I am.

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