"Never Met A Girl Like You Before"

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I sat still and rigid on a wonderful windowsill in our room, watchig out of the window, without really noticing anything out there. In my mind I heard Gaisgeil's words in a constant repetition: "I love you too, Ceallach, and I always will."

I saw, how he held her in his arms, his tender voice... It was haunting me.

The door was opened and closed silently. "It's not what you think, Callida." I refused to look at him.

For a moment I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but than I closed my eyes in recognition. He  knew I was there, eavesdropping on them. I always forgot that he had perfect senses. He smelled me. 

I frowned. Than...why did he say those words, if he knew, I was there? To hurt me? Well, congratulation, you won!

Slowly I turned around to face him. He was sitting on the edge our bed, carefully assessing my emotions.

He sighed. "Listen, mo ghaoil. I never slept with Ceallach, never had a passionate relationship with her as lovers. She was more of a cousin than a potential lover to me. And before you ask, it's true, I love her. We had, and hopefully maintain, a strong bond. But not as you may think. I love her as a dear friend. And I admire her for her strength and resilience. We both went through the same shit with our fathers."

I blinked. Than blinked again. Simply watching him. Did he really say, that he didn't sleep with her? That he loved her as a dear friend?

My eyes turned to slits. Gaisgeil observed my reaction and understood: I couldn't believe him.

"I swear, mo ghaoil, upon my honour."

That stopped my ugly yellow thoughts. He wouldn't abuse that oath, that meant so much to his kind, only to deceive me.

I turned away, clearing my throat. Suddenly I was engulfed in two strong arms.  Gaisgeil hoist me up, sat himself next to me and placed me there on his lap. I tried to stand up, but he pressed me back.

"Now, that we cleared everything..." I groaned, annoyed, how he wanted to overlook my obvious probems with is behaviour.

"WHO CLEARED ANYTHING, HUH??", I gritted through my teeth.

That brute simply laughed. "Oh, my kitten thinks she is a big bad tigress? Keep pretending, you  are soooo cute trying ...", he started to smother me with butterfly kisses.

First I tried to avoid his lips, pushing my fists against his upper body. But than I simply gave up....and enjoyed his affection. 

We started to kiss, our tongues  fighting for dominance. I whimpered, as he simultaneously  kneaded my breast through my blouse. 

But than he stopped his actions abruptly and looked at me as If I was the most precious thing in the world.

"You don't have to be jealous, mo ghaoil. I've never met a girl like you before. You got me crawling on the floor for you, Callida, don't you see? I would never even look at another woman twice."

Instantly I felt the truth of his words. All jealousy and self-doubts melted away like ice in the sun. When would I stop being jealous? For the 1000th time: He had history and was notorious with women in the past. Surely I would face many more situation like that. I had to learn and live with it. Because now, he was mine.

I kissed him hard, plunging my tongue into his mouth. He moaned inside my mouth. A sound, I came to love and yearn. To hear the lust, I sparked in him.

 Our heavy make out was interrupted by very determined knocks on our door. 

"Stop harressing poor Calida and let us talk, oh mighty Lord of Desa", a voice I knew so well demanded.  

Gaisgeil growled. "Go away, and don't come back. Don't you have more important things to do than to annoy me? You made a habit out of it to interrupt my destined and me. Go, or I'll chop your head off like in the good old times."

I snickered and muffled my laughs in his shoulder.

"Sh, Callida, I thought you loved me, and here you are laughing, while your destined threatens my life?", Ronan whined.

I stood up. "Nooo, stay, Callida", my destined complained like a little child.

"You whine like two little brats", I shook my head in amusement, walking to the door, opening it for Ronan to walk in. He stood in front of the door, arms crossed above his chest, a raised eyebrow and a knowing smirk on his face.

Snickering he walked in. I pointed a finger at him. "Quiet, not a word, as if you dont jump Ai's bones! I don't know how you smell, that Gaisgeil and I have our moment, but I'll start to interrupt you and Ai too, making annoying remarks."

His face changed to panic. "No, please, Ai will kill me". I smirked. 

Gaisgeil laughed, standing next to me. "Burn, brother. Our women have us on a leash.  Now, tell us, what you have in mind."

I wondered, where the gehena Yrina has been. I barely saw her the last three days. The last time was after Conor's surgery.

I turned around to the men. "Have you seen Yrina? She is missed in action. Haven't seen much of her...", I muttered.

Ronan snickered again and Gaisgeil pretended, to not hear anything I said.

Traillig their faces, I understood that they kept something a secret.

"What?", I demanded to know. 

"Your friend and Kane hit it off. They are stuck in Yrina's room fucking their brains out", Ronan admitted.

"Oh!", was my surprised and intelligent reply.

....and than I laughed like a maniac. The two men looked at each other. "She lost it ....", Ronan said, rolling his index finger around his temple.

"Uhm, Callida?", my destined asked worried.

I waved him off, slowly calming down. "Don't you see? Our world, as we know, is crumbling down, falling apart, but at the same time, we all found love."

"And?", Ronan asked. He didn't catch, what I was implying.
I shook my head. Gaisgeil walked up to me, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I took a big whiff of his incredible smell that made me every time aroused. 

Sighing, I watched Ronan. "My Dhaoine friend, I mean, that life always finds a way to procede on it's own. We plan and think, but than everything takes another turn....and in the end it's a good thing, you know?"

Ronan looked at me thoughtfully. "You are right, Callida, everything took a good turn for all of us. Well, perhaps except Conor", he scratched his head.

I tapped my nose. "Something tells me, that when we return from Bertaèyn, we'll find him happy too."

"Well, I hope so, I like that guy, since he took that knife for you", Ronan muttered. "Anyway, I came to talk to you about our leave to Bertaèyn. What are your plans for Nefaria, Gaisgeil?"

"I made a decision", my destined surprised us.

Ronan and I watched each other.

"About what? Nefaria?" I saw the seriousness in Gaisgeil's features.

Warily, he nodded. "I thought a lot about it and wanted to make up my mind alone first. Now, I want to talk to you two about my plans to hear your opinion. I trust you the most and know, you will tell me the truth and not sugarcoat."

Hesitating, he slowly paced the floor, than turned to us again. "The people should decide who'll rule the towns of Desa and the surrounding territories of the towns."

I glanced at Ronan. He was astonished and as speechless as me.

"They should built an assembly, where every group of citizens has a certain amount of seats, depending on their proportion in town. Everyone - man or woman - may apply for these seats. All people have the right to vote, no matter their status, no matter their gender. They decide about which candidate earned their trust."

He gawked our reaction, unsure of our reply. 

I was simply amazed  and astonished. "Gaisgeil ...have you ever heard the word 'democracy?'", I asked stunned.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "No, why?"

In the next chapter, they head to Bertaèyn. Will they pass that "wall"? Will they reach their goal?" 

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