"Your Testimony Should Be Really Good"

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I felt Ailis' agitation and distress, as she walked next to me. Gaisgeil who strode in front of us, hadn't talked to her a single word. He gave her the silent treatment because he felt utterly betrayed by her. She KNEW that Amarin was their joint brother and kept it hidden. Why?

Had she conspired together with Consilius and Amarin to overthrow the Lord of Desa? Did she secretely hate her half-brother who ignored her nearly her whole life? Was Amarin the instrument of her revenge? I understood, that maybe she had mixed feelings towards Gaisgeil. 

I watched her from the corner of my eye. Ailis sniffed silently, tears rolling down her cheeks without making further noise. She seemed so sweet and innocent. I couldn't imagine her plotting a big treason against her brother. But, to be honest, I didn't know her well enough to make a final statement about her character. And we all knew that looks could be deceiving. 

In front of me I saw the back of Gaisgeil stiffen ... he heard Ailis' gentle sobs but didn't utter a single word. The Lord of Desa wouldn't allow himself to be soft and forgiving, even to his sister.  Perhaps the only reason that held him back from killing her was the blood-bond they shared! In the last few weeks I thought I saw him getting closer to her. My hard cruel destined! But I knew better. He DID have feelings for Ailis but was unable to show them, to openly commit to his sister.

"Gaisgeil, please...", a silent wavering plea escaped Ailis' lips. His reply was a warning low growl showing off his fangs to her. She immediatly deflated, shutting her mouth, not pursuing her amends.

Huffing I pressed my lips together. I was clearly torn. I wanted to believe that Ailis had a good cause to hide her knowledge. But which one exactly? From the outside her beaviour was very suspecious. I could understand why Gaisgeil felt stabbed in the back by her "disloyalty". 

Suddenly she quickened her pace again to reach Gaisgeil but he didn't aknowledge her presence next to him. "Gaisgeil, please", I heard the desperation of her plea. Again, Gaisgeil remained unaffected. At this moment I thought, he should hear her out. Maybe he would get to know her real motives? Perhaps everything was a big misunderstandig?

"BROTHER", she shouted unexpectedly, determination laced in her voice, her hand on his arm. Her advance worked, because Gaisgeil did stop, facing her with a stony expression. A little whimper left Ailis' throat, immediately letting go of her brother's arms. She was afraid of him...

"Gaisgeil", I called out for my destined. His head snapped in my direction. "Why do you play hard to get, huh? Listen to her explanation, perhaps it would save you from sulking like a little boy who didn't get his candy." Ailis' eyes gawked me like I was suicidal, her eyes sending me a clear message: Are you crazy!?   

A smirk was plastered on Gaisgeil's lips. "My feisty daring mate. Perhaps I'd like to lick your candy?" Now it was my turn to gawk him, my eyes nearly bulging out. I felt instant heat on my face. Gaisgeil stalked my way. "Not so brave anymore, huh?", he kissed my blushing cheeks.

My eyes wandered around to the people, who watched us with wonder, fear and curiosity. Their Lord was behaving  like a normal being that had feelings, that teased his destined. The same Lord who was known for his black cruel heart. Here we stood near the market place in one of the most frequented streets of Gordan  and he didn't give a damn who watched the scene.

I recognized the shock, the unbelief, joy and relief in Ailis' facial expression. She was happy, that her brother showed real feelings even if they were a bit lustful and raunchy.

He saw her reaction too. Exhalig deeply he gave me one last kiss turning on his heels facing Ailis with  an unreadable expression. "I want to hear what you have to say, but remember Ailis, I am not somebody to give second chances. So your testimony should be really good..." , he warned. Ailis only nodded. "I want you only to hear me out, than you can judge me."

Gaisgeil watched her closely but he nodded in agreement. "We'll continue our talk, but not under the watchful eyes of whole Gordan", he muttered. So we continued our way to Consilius' house, which was in the district of the Daonnachd. The houses became smaller and simpler, indicating, that we were on human grounds. 

We stopped in front of a small but three-story house that was freshly painted. Gaisgeil knocked on the door. "Coming", a female voice called out. The door was opened by an older woman, obviously a maid in Consilius' household.  

Her eyes widened as soon as she faced the Lord of Desa. Her back went rigid but in the next moment she curtsied to the Lord. He passed her without aknowleding her in any way. I gritted my teeth. He had to learn a lot of things - like respect for other beings - but I was willing to teach him, I thought, miffed by his careless behaviour. The poor maid wasn't worth his time or attention.

I adressed the flushed woman. "Hello, my name is Callida. Would you please be so kind to let council member Consilius know that we are here and would like to speak to him?" I smiled at her reassuringly because the poor woman had fear written all over her face. Above her head I saw Gaisgeil roll his eyes.  With narrowed eyes I mouthed "just you wait ..." The jerk had the audecity to mock me again by making exaggerated fearful facial mimics.

Ailis watched our exchange with a gaping mouth and big round eyes. I laughed inside my head. Yes, Gaisgeil was a normal 20 year old childheaded jerk under this armour of strength and cruelty. He didn't know better. This was the way he was raised.

The maid hurried the stairs up in search of her master. As we stood in the small entrance we heard manly voices arguing with each other. Gaisgeil's jaw hardend  as he listened to their conversation, a conversation I wasn't able to follow with my human ears. Ailis was watching his reaction closely, listening herself in concentration. Oh, yes, I forgot, she was also able to eavesdrop to what the men were talking. 

Than we heard the creaking noises of the stairs, indicating that somebody was coming. It was Consilius, his face a mask of a cautious friendliness. When he reached the landing of the staircase he bowed in front of Gaisgeil. 

"My Lord what can I do ...", he couldn't finish his sentence, because in the next instant Gaisgeil had Consilius pinned on the wall, his hand on man's throat.

Gaisgeil watched him without showing any emotions, like this was his natural behaviour. He simply watched how Consilius gasped for breath. "Now, dear Consilius, why don't you tell me, how Amarin was my brother and how YOU were involved?", his voice remained calm and neutal, like he asked for the weather. Ailis and I were quiet, unsure what to do. It was shocking to see with your own eyes, how effortless and fast Gaisgeil could end a life. 

"Perhaps I can tell you", a deep voice expressed from behind us. Our heads whipped around. Gaisgeil let go of Consilius, turning in alarm around, one hand on his dagger. 

In a daze we all watched Amarin walk down the staircase ...

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