"Who Are They?"

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"He said, that they can communicate through the air? With ...I forgot that name!?" Ronan asked with knit eyebrows.

Ai, Gaisgeil and I gazed at each other, as clueless as the rest of us. After Conor told us about the devices that can communicate through air, he fell asleep.

"Yes, that's what Conor said. We have to wait till he wakes up to explain", I stated shrugging my shoulders.

At a loss we sat again in the great hall, where Keallach died. Nothing reminded us of his gruesome death. Everything was clean and tidy.

"Perhaps I can help out", a very pleasant voice interjected. We all turned to where the voice was coming from.

Ainmire walked in our direction with a little wave of his hand. "I know, what phones are."

"Please, tell us, because we have no idea, what Conor was talking about", I begged excited.

The belittled and berated son of Keallach was exactly like I thought he would be, after Ai told me stories about their past. A young and promising human with more knowledge and wisdom than the rest around him. 

Ainmire chuckled. "At last somebody is as excited as me about our past." We smiled at each other knowingly.

Gaisgeil cleared his throat, concern written on his face, which let Ainmire to laugh a happy and sincere laughter. No trace of sadness about the death of his father. 

Ainmire was a very handsome and intelligent human...and obviously my destined was cautious because of this.

"Don't worry big man, I am not a threat, I won't take your destined away," Ainmire said in Gaisgeil's direction. 

I shook my head. Theos, this man and his possessiveness.

Ainmire winked at me before he turned to my destined.

"But YOU on the other hand", he watched Gaisgeil appreciatively, "are exactly my taste." Everyone present gawked him ... than Gaisgeil's reaction.

 And the Lord of Desa....blushed! Gaisgeil was speechless, sending me a silent plea for help.

Ainmire snickered, than laughed out loud. I couldn't hold my own laughter in. Tears ran down my cheeks. 

"Oh my, Theos! This was one of my best pranks...", Ainmire fell in my arms, holding his belly still laughing.

Ronan shook his head smiling. Yrina smirked at Gaisgeil, who stood like a little drowned puppy in the middle of the room. Ai followed our little duo and embraced her friend Ainmire and me.

"THAT was really a good one Ai", she praised him, she doubled over laughing.

"So you don't...", Gaisgeil rubbed his neck, "like me?", he asked in a small voice.

Animire snorted. "Wouldn't you like that? You are a fine piece of ass, Mylord, don't get me wrong, and if you are offering....?", he provoked...than laughed again.

I was taken by him "I love you already, Ainmire. You are ligh-hearted, humorous and cheerful. Exactly what we need right now."

He looked at Gaisgeil, than me with a smile on his face. "I like you too, Callida. And Gaisgeil", he faced my poor destined, who was the centre of Ainmire's fun making. "I really like men. And I am afraid, you'll have to live with it, that your destined will pine for me in vain...", he said playfully. 

Gaisgeil rolled his eyes good-humoured. "I'll try to win her back, man, you'll see", he responded dryly. 

"So, back to the phones." Ainmire became serious again.

We all sat down and listened to him.

"As you know, my father thought little of me. I am a human, or a Daonnachd, as you say. So, I am not strong, my sister allways beat me in our playfull fights. To feel the disapointment of my father was hard, but it gave me a lot of freedom. I was of no value to him. He let me alone to do what I felt like."

He must have seen the pity on our faces, because he laughted softly. 

"Don't pity me, it's my siter you have to pity. She lived a miserable life unter his scrutiny, while I was free. And I used this freedom to roam the lands, reading and", he gave us an intense look, "to think."

"I was 16 when I found a black unkown device. I couldn't understand it's function...because it simply did nothing. Than, a day after I found it, it suddenly made a penetrating sound. Very loud and unpleasant. I pressed several buttons to stop it, when ... it happened." Ainmire paused, lost in thought.

We all listened in excitement, leaning forward to listen to every single word that came out of his mouth.

"I heard a voice speak....right out of that thing. I pressed it at my ear. Somebody was calling a name."

My mouth went dry. "Do you remember the name, Ainmire?", I asked, eager for his answer.

"He furrowed his brows. "Yes ...Amarin."

My eyes widened. AMARIN! The circle slowly closed. 

My friends were still, caught in a state of shock.

"I questioned that person, who he was, but the phone went silent with a beeping tone. The device never rang again and after a few day, it stopped fully working. From that moment on, I couldnt sleep, I couldn't rest....untill I found out."

I bit my nails. "AINMIRE, I am dying here. What did you find out?"

He snickered. "Patience is a virtue, dear Callida", he smoothly answered.

"Meh, that word is unknown in her vocabulary", Yrina made fun of me. "Have mercy on that girl and tell her what she needs to know or she will burst", she teased further.

My eyes were glued to Ainmire. I made a pout, I knew, he wouldn't resist.

"Oh, don't look at me with your pout", he laughed, "you look tooooo cute", he pinched my cheek. 

"AINMIRE", I begged huffing.

"I found folders and old journals in our old Sapienti's library. Those devices are phones and our ancestors indeed communicated with them through long distances. Once, they even could see each other through the devices, but that technology went down the drain after the big wave." 

His hand went above his head to the ceiling. "The technology needed is there, above in the orbit. There are satellites, that connected the devices through longe distances. That I understood. I think, those satellites don't have the energy anymore to do their work. But simple functions of the phones are still working. I don't know how, but there must be still some kind of cables and energy, here in Desa. Otherwise they couldn't use this technology. They need electricity and they have to generate the electricity."

Ainmire looked us all in the face, one by one. "You know what that means?"

My lips were pressed together. Ai looked my way warily.

"Un-fu-cking-be-lie-va-ble", she stated shocked.

"You took the words right out of my mouth", I pressed.

Ronan, Yrina and Gaisgeil looked at us, a little bit out of order and clueless.

 I rubbed my head, resting my elbows on my knees.

"It means, that we all lived a lie. While we live in the dark, under hard conditions, there is a parallel world, that at least has some remnants of our former world, technology on a higher level."

Realisation spread on the faces of my destined, Ronan and Yrina.

"You mean, somebody holds this ... technology back? For reasons only they know?"

Ainmire nodded. "Yes, clearly. The big questions is: Who are they? Where are they? And why did they condemn us to live in this fucking world of strength and constant fight over food and privileges, when everything could have been so much easier for us?"

We are nearing the end. Did you like the chapter? Do you like Ainmire? Please vote for "Destined".

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