"I Have To Warn You"

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I examined the boy's throat. "Say again ....aaaaaaaaaaa", I indicated little Adair to imitate my doings. As he followed my example, I leant forward to have a look with my laryngoscope. Satisfied, a grin spread on my face. I was happy with the outcome of my surgery. His parents watched with hawk eyes and worry on their faces. 

"Good news". I turned around to them with a smile. "Your son is as healthy as can be." 

They embraced each other, relieved, their only child was out of danger. I smiled at them. This was the reason why I wanted to help: to ease pain and sorrow.

In the last two weeks Aisling and Reagar became good acquaintances. I visited little Adair every day to observe his progress. 

Adair's eyes shone with mischief as he watched my hand disappear in my case. I smiled at his innocence. He knew what was hidden in my leather case. As his throat grew better and better I rewarded the little guy for his patience and endurance with soft cookies. 

"Thank you, Callida", he mumbled, as the cookie begann to disappear in his mouth. I snorted, ruffling his curly hair with my hand.  

Aisling embraced me with a watery smile. "Callida, you don't know how grateful I am. I owe you. And if one day you need my help, I won't ask, I won't judge, I'll simply help und support you. Upon my honor." 

Honor is not a word used in a lightly or careless way by a Creachadair. Honour to them is everything. So, when a Creachadair swears upon his or her honour, they mean it. 

"Me too, Prota, upon my honour", Reagar joined in. 

"No, you don't have to swear anything. I am a healer", I shook my shoulders, "I heal. No need  for a grand gesture...or an oath. It's an honour to call you my friends."

"Would you like to share our meal, Callida", Aisling asked with a hopeful voice?

I threw my cloak over my shoulders. "Unfortunatly I have to go to the castle. But another time I'll take your offer very gladly."

"Why unfortunatly? Aren't you happy to see your destined?", she asked. 

My mood became sour. I had to visit Blaithin, who asked for me. I wasn't very keen to see her nor to see her growing belly as a reminder of my unsolved problems with Gaisgeil. The past three weeks have been quite and agreable. Gaisgeil let me search through the library in his castle and gave me Sapientis as support. We researched about our human past, about illnesses, viruses and climate change. Hundreds of documents ....but we found nothing. Nothing that would explain, why we live in the world we live in - with varying races, that developped differently.  But I wouldn't give up. Somewhere in these books, the truth was hidden. A truth, that would help us to understand and change things for the better for all creatures.

"I have to visit somebody, I am not very fond of, and no, it's not my dear destined."

Aisling nodded in sympathy. "Would you like Reagar to escort you?" I appreciated Aisling's proposal, but there was no need. "Lord Gaigeil send somebody to accompany me. He won't let me roam alone the streets of Gordan."

Reagar nodded his head. "That's understandable, you are our future Prota. There are many shady creatures in this place and you are only a Daonnachd." He stopped his sentence, rubbing his neck embarrased about his own words. Aisling shook her head disapprovingly about her husband. But I knew, he didn't want to hurt me. He was simply honest. 

"It's alright, Reagar, I know you didn't want to hurt me. But am not a helpless prey. I lived at the Laidir and was trained there, I know how to fight." I saw the surprise on Reagar's face. In the next moment I felt small arms around my legs. "I'll protect you, Callida!" What a cutie Adair was. I kissed his head. "Next time, you'll ..."

My answer was  interrupted by a knock on the door. A human female servant entered. "Master, there is a guard from the castle at the door, asking for misstress Callida."  Aodhan! Gaisigeil asked me, if I wanted someone special to be my guard and I said yes. I trusted Aodhan, he was somebody with a strong fatherly vipe and I felt at ease in his presence. 

"Alright, duty calls, I'll take my leave." Little Adair brought me my case.

"Callida, will you visite soon? I'll like our conversations and I would miss them, now, that Adair is well, you don't have a reason to come anymore..."

"Certainly, Aisling, I would like that. But you know, you can visit us too? Have you ever visited a Daonnachd at their home?" Aisling's face fell, indicating her discomfort.

"You don't have to be embarrased, in our world creatures don't mix, I know. But we'll change that ...well unless you don't want...?"

"NOO, I'll come, you are my friend, Callida, I want to know how you live. No more mistrust or misunderstandings between us."

I said my good byes and left. Outside Aodhan was waiting, heavily armed. "Woah, are you on a hunt, Aodhan?"

He snorted, knowing that I am mocking him.  We fell in a matching pace, the big Creachadair holding back with his long legs. An aggreable silence settled between us, as we walked through the district of the Creachadair. I felt, that he wanted to say something. His forehead was wrinkled. Clearly something was on his mind.

"Out, Aodhan, something is bothering you." He watched me out of the corner of his eye, clearing his throat. "Prota", he started, but I interrupted. "I told you, I am not a Prota to you. Please, call me Callida, I don't need this showcase of superiority. Not with you, Aodhan."

He huffed. "Callida, I have to warn you. You have enemies that wish your death. Our Lord knows this and he demanded, that I'll have to protect you with my life." He snorted. "As if I needed to be commanded." I laughed. "Careful, Aodhan, do I smell a mutiny?" Aodhan paled. "No, my Prota, I swear." I laughed like a hyena. Aodhan exhaled relieved, smiling at my joking. 

"Yes, yes. laugh about me, Callida, you don't know what your destined is capable of, if something happens to you."

Instantly I got serious again. "Sorry, Aodhan, I know, he is a very contradicting character." The guard gauged me. "Perhaps to you, Callida, I know only ONE side of his character and there are no contradictions there...!" I rolled my eyes, a smile on my lips.

"Now tell me, who wants my head on a silver plate?" Aodhan stopped abruptly. "Please, don't make fun about something serious as this. There are certain circles that want you out of the way."

"Who do you mean, Aodhan? Blaithin's family? Her father, whom I rammed my knife in his hand?" A real laugh escaped Aodhan. 

"That was a sight, I'll never forget. That piece of shit deserved it." We laughed both. "As much as I wished it was him, but no, there are others." I bit my lip. "Who, Aodhan? Does Gaisgeil know?"

"Yes, he knows everything. He is protecting you as best as he can. But you have to keep at his side to be safe. He knows, that you don't want that. So he has you watched the whole time. He doesn't want you to know." Aodhan observed me with piercing eyes. 

"Do you really think, we are alone at the moment? That I am the only one guarding you?" I carefully watched around. "He told you that it's only me, so you wouldn't oppose, but there are others." I stiffened.

"What do you know about my enemies, Aodhan?", I asked slowly. He rubbed his chin, uneasy. "It's not only the Creachadair that don't see you fit in being their leader. The other creatures share the same opinion...and even your own peolple."

I stopped in my tracks. Slowly I turned to watch his face. "My own people? The Daonnachd?" I was at a loss. He only nodded. 

"How do you know? Why are you so sure?". I had to know. I knew about the others, but MY people?

He came by my side, bending a little bit his knees, to lean down. "Your council came two nights ago, to speak to our Lord. They talked in his reception hall. I was a guard in front of the door. Lord Gaisgeil left the door a crack open, intentionally. I heard everything. They told him, they consider you unfit to be the Prota."

My anger rose. My own people? Unfit? How could they...? "Who, Aodhan, who told Gaisgeil?"

"It was a pair - the older man was Consilius  and the young man was called ...uh....wait ... Amarus...no....wait....Amand..."

"Amarin?", I asked calmly. Aodhan snipped his finger. "Yes, yes, Amarin..." 

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