"This Man Was Really Sick"

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After a very poor breakfast with chai, bread and little bit of cheese, we left for the village of the Islendigur. I rode my horse next to my destined with Conor by my side. I had noticed that Conor was very silent since yesterday but I didn't want to ask him about his feelings with Gaisgeil's sensitive ears next to me. 

It was clear as day that Conor wasn't in balance with himself ... or with us? Either way, I had to know why. The way we met, left no room for secrets and privat affairs. I only knew Conor for a few days but it felt like half a life. 

I watched the forest around us. The woods gave off a threatening aura, although my brain told me that plants couldn't threaten anyone. But a dark foreboading hung in the air. Nobody of our company spoke a word. All observed every movement behind the trees with watchful eyes, allert to every possible endagerment.

When we reached a meadow, I felt  Gaisgeil's body go rigid. Snow began to fall in heavy flakes.

"Ronan, half furlong ahead on the right", he whispered, his eyes fixed on a certain point somewhere into the trees. 

Ronan's head snapped in the direction Gaisgeil told him with narrowed eyes. The other men sat stiff and in anticipation on their horses, their hands on the weappons. 

"There are two of them", Ronan said in a strained voice. Gaisgeil only nodded.

My destined turned around to face me. His expression was serious but in total control. "There are two massive male tigers behind the first line of trees. They must be brothers because otherwise they wouldn't hunt together. They are ready to attack, only waiting for the perfect moment."

He approached me on his horse. We looked at each other, his gloved hand carressing my cheek.

"Ronan and I will hunt the tigers down. You'll stay back, understood?", he asked with urgency. He saw my hesitance. "Callida? Promise? But this time you'll stick by your word!"

I huffed. "But I can help...I...."

"NO, Callida, no...please, I can't go out there with my head worrying about you."

I gulped, nodding compliant.

Gaisgeil searched his half-brother's face. "Conor, do you want to come with us? You could be of a real help." 

Conor stared at this half-brother, his face giving no emotions away. He nodded. "And Callida? Who'll protect her?"

My destined turned to the leading Islendigur. "Arnar...I will be forever thankful and in your debt if you protect the Prota."

Arnar put his hand on his heart. "Upon my word, Mylord. I'll protect our Prota." Gaisgeil put his right fist on his own heart as a sign of acceptance and gratitude.

With one last glance on me he dismounted from the horse, Ronan and Conor following his lead. They gave the reins to the Islandigur men.

Slowly they walked their way to the edge of the forest. We watched their backs in expectation of the looming fight between men and beasts. I hoped those two tigers weren't hungry enough. Perhaps they might fled watching the big men approaching?

I held my breath when I observed, how the two tigers sneaked up in the falling snow. Theos, they were really beasts. You saw the power and strength of these young tigers even from this distance. Suddenly they began to attack, their massive bodies running in an astounding speed towards the men. Towards my destined.

With my teeth I took of my gloves in a hurry. My head whipped to Arnar. "Please, give me your bow and arrows."

Arnar only hesitated for a moment, surprised by my demand

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Arnar only hesitated for a moment, surprised by my demand. Without asking he did my plea, handing me his bow, arrow and quiver.

I took an arrow and drew the bow. Arnar watched my movements in doubt. "My Prota, the animals are too far away, you can't hit them..." 

Slowly I exhaled, concentrating on my traget, the tiger, that was running at my destined. I felt calm, aware of myself and my abilities. Long enough I had surpressed who I was, who I had become in the care of the Laidir.

One, two, three, exhaling ...I shot the arrow. 

I felt the men behind me hold their breaths, our eyes following the flying arrow. 

And than....we saw the tiger fall...it simply collapsed on the ground a few feet away from Gaisgeil - motionless. It was dead. A colletive gasp was heard behind me.

For an instant Gaisgeil froze in his steps, that he turned to the second tiger. 

It halted, growling, showing his enormous fangs. Clearly it was unsettled about his brother's fall. It called for his hunting buddy but got no response.

In a sudden motion the tiger turned to Ronan who was a few feet nearer than Gaisgeil and Conor. The gigantic tiger got ready to jump on the Dhaoine.

I lined on the back of the horse, held the bow with my left hand, pointed my left shoulder to the target, drew the bow with all the power I had left ...and waited.

When the tiger jumped, I targeted his white soft belly. NOW! My fingers left the arrow and it shot with an increcible force and speed.

The tiger jumped on Ronan, burying the man with his enormous body.  

The meadow seemed to still. Everything stilled. The only noise you could hear were the falling snowflakes hitting the ground. 

Gaisgeil ran to his friend, pulling down the huge and heavy body of the tiger. Ronan reappeared an arrow in his hand and a smile on his face. Theos, this man was really sick...

My hands trembled as the fear of failure faded. All three men watched our way. When they noticed the bow in my hand, I saw three different emotions on their faces: Ronan smiled satisfied. Gaisgeil's features showed shock, relief, content and ... pride. Conor was purely surprised.

I closed my eyes. The physical effort and strain left my mind and body. 

"My Prota, I never saw anyone hit that length yet. That was unbelievable", Arnar praised my shot. 

I smiled at him tired and too agitated to appreciate his words.

"Here, drink this my Prota." Arnar handed me a leather hose. He smiled knowingly. "It will do you good."

The other men snickered relieved. "Yes, helps with the jitter ..."

I took a big gulp. First I felt nothing but a liquid...but than, a burning fire went down my esophagus.

"Theos, what is THIS...do you want to kill me?", I chocked with tears in my eyes.

Coughing I heard the men laugh heartily. I couldn't be angry because I knew, they didn't laugh about me but WITH me as an expression of their ease.

 Suddenly I was lifted out of the saddle and pressed against a hard chest.

"Callida, you amaze me every day. I am so proud of you and I am so grateful to have you by my side."Gaisgeil's kiss was passionate and full of joy.

When he let go of me, I turned around laughing.

"Who would have thought, this little girl is a true heroine?", a deep voice chuckled. I punched Ronan's shoulder.

"Theos, woman, you'll leave me a cripple...", Ronan muttered with a smile.

With a satisfied smirk I turned to Conor. What I saw next left me frozen: Pain and jealousy.

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