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Outside it was raining. Ronan stood at the entrance of the cave watching into the night, listening intently to the sounds emerging. I shook my head vehemently.

"No, no...I won't hide and let you handle everything. I was three years at the Laidir coven, being trained. I won't let you walk all over me." I watched Conor's face turning annoyed with hints of anger. Ronan only send me a smile in aknowledgement. He was surprisingly calm and relaxed again - no more signs of his former tension. What happend?

Conor in contrast was highly allert, trying to make out somthing in the dark. His eyes went wide, that turned to slits. "What the...you must be shitting me", he stopped talking when he heard a menacing growl.

My hand went to my knives, presents from Yrina, my friend at the Laidir. She told me to always have these two little "twisted sisters" with me. I never went anywhere without them.

 Coner and Ronan stepped aside to let somebody pass.

My knives nearly fell out of my fists...




Sees astonished and shocked face of author.

"What? You thought, I would let my destined roam the lands alone? With a stupid boy as her guard? You must be crazy, lady. SHE IS MINE! As soon as I could, I followed them." 

Laughs mockingly.


"But, but...I told the readers there won't be any Gaisgeil in the quest?"



"Well, not my problem. I am the Lord of Desa, I won't hold back because you planned it in your little head." 


"Keep dreaming."

Turns serious again with narrowed eyes

"I am not your puppet."   


Stomps her foot.

"BUT YOU ARE! You are the offspring of my imagination. What happens in this story is MY WILL. YOU SHOULD STAY IN GORDAN!"


Laughs indifferently, than steps in front of an intimidated author, watching her reaction closely.

"You won't stop me. That girl is my destined, I love her and I am responsible for her safety. Now shoo, keep writing, and don't forget. I AM IN THE QUEST."


Gapes with open mouth ...   


His stoic face didn't give his feelings away. It was blank like a white canvas before the first brushstroke was done. I gulped. You wouldn't have to be an oracle to know, what was going on in his head.

My destined didn't greet anybody but went and sat himself around the blazing fire. He took the gloves off, stretching his fingers towards the fire from a safe distance.

Conor and I faced each other uncertain what to do, what to say. Honestly, at the moment I was afraid of Gaisgeil's reaction. Was he very angry?

Ronan obviously didn't have the same problem. He sat himself next to Gaisgeil like they were old friends. 

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