"You Are Lucky"

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I never really felt comfortable on horseback. There weren't many occasions for a Daonnachd to sit on a horse. We rarely left the cities we lived in, so we didn't need to ride a horse. I came to Gordan when I was three years old from a city called Iona. My parents followed my grandfather to Gordan because he had heard, that healers with knowledges about healing potions, ointments and pills were needed in town. So we came and lived a decent life until I turned seven years old.

My mother died in childbirth together with my stillborn brother. My grandfather couldn't save his own daughter nor his grandson. He was devastated. After this tragedy my father was lethargic, weak and without a will to live. He loved me, nevertheless he gave up. So when he fell ill with a lung infection he wasn't strong enough to survive. I stood at his grave holding my grandfathers hand. I remember how angry I felt, that he left me alone so easily.

In that moment I swore to never lose myself to a love, to another being. Praise Theos I had my grandfather who became my mother and father in one person. And he was the best! I was a lucky girl to have him. Ascan Connacht was the best man. I would die for him, if it meant to save his life. Now, he was utterly alone, without any relatives. I felt bad to have left him behind without anybody to look after him.

In other circumstances I would have asked Ailis to check on him but I had to get away in secret. The birth of Gaisgeil's child, was the best opportunity. I had to take advantage of the situation. The birth, of maybe the next Protos, drew everyone's attention at the castle, nobody would notice, that I was gone.

Everything seemed so easy: we simply passed on our horses the check point at the gate of Gordan. No one bothered us. Their eagle eyes were focused on those who wanted to enter. And than, we were simply out. 

We rode as fast as we could on our horses to gain a good distance between ourselves and Gordan. When Gaisgeil would come to his senses and understood, that I was gone, it should be too late to send somebody to chase after us. Although something inside of me knew that he would be hellbent on finding me, leading the search troop on his own. 

The rain was falling heavy on my cloak. I was soaked and wet to the bone.  It was getting dark. I shuddered. Nightfall was the time of dangerous predators. We had to find a save place to stay for the night. 

"Callida?", my head snapped to Conor next to me. His worried eyes watched me carefully. "You are done. We have to stay the night in a safe dry cave without bears or wolves."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Where should we find such a cavern? Please, tell me that you know one...I want to get rid of these wet clothes, light a fire, eat and sleep", I whined. Conor laughed. 

"You are lucky, I accidentally know one."

"Really? How? Have you been here before?", I lifted one eyebrow in surprise.

He chuckled but it didn't sound happy. "Yes, I was. I was preparing for the day, when I had to leave Gordan head over heels. Now this knowledge comes in handy."

I was curious. "Why did you think, that one day you had to flee?"

Conor snorted. "I am the half-brother of the Lord of Desa. I have ...", he closed his eyes. "I had a twin who was on a revenge spree. One might think that a good dry cave sounds like a good place to hide and wait."

On the left is Conor, in the middle Callida in her leather cloak watching out for some bears in the cave ; D

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On the left is Conor, in the middle Callida in her leather cloak watching out for some bears in the cave ; D... and last a new character: Ronan, a Dhaoine (the foto is not mine it's  Gladiolus Amicitia, fantasy game character, but he fits perfectly).

I shook my head half amused. "You know, I am so tired...uh...my bottom hurts like hell.. I HATE HORSES. I only want to lay down at a fire and sleep, forget about the food part."

He chuckled again, his eyes watchfully scanning the area. I followed his eyes but saw nothing than the black deep forest. It was so black, I couldn't even make out the trees. Suddenly we heard a howl. I stiffened. Theos - there it was - that terrifying moment, when you fully understand the consequences of your rushed decisions. 

Conor kept calm. "It's far away Callida, don't be afraid." I held my breath. "How...how do you know?", I asked in a whisper.

"You forgot that I may look human but I am a hybrid. My senses are way better than yours. I can hear that the wolf pack is one hour away. We don't even know if it's their territory or if other animals claimed it.

I gulped my fear down, trailing after Conor on my horse. We came to said cavern that was located on a solitary rocky hillock. I exhaled relieved as we entered with our horses into the cave. We couldn't leave the horses outside. To many predators were on a nightly hunt.

I groaned painfully. Everything hurt, even the hair on my head - e-v-e-r-y single hair. I stretched my legs, a whimper leaving involantarily my lips. 

Two hands grabbed my leather cloack by my shoulders. "Come, let me help you", Connor offered. Silently I let him undress my cloak. He massaged my shoulders that hurt like I was tossed and trampled by raging bulls. Slowly I felt a little relaxed and moaned satisfied. Conor instantly stopped.

"NOOOO, don't stop, that's soooooo good." Conor laughed light-hearted. "A little better?", he asked still smiling.

"Boy, you really have a death wish, don't you", a deep and amused voice asked out of knowhere.  Conor sprang around in alarm. I slowly turned, afraid of the big intimidating shadow that stood in the entrance of the cave. 

It was a massive giant of a man. He approached with ease, as if nothing could harm him. His hands grabbed his hood and pulled it down. I was stunned: It was a young Dhaoine with two prominent scars on his handsome face, with thick eyebrows, an angular jaw and amber eyes.

He smiled. "You are lucky I am not the Lord of Desa who heard her moan, otherwise you'd be dead by now."

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