"He Was So Beautiful"

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Attention: Slightly mature sexual content ahead ( I'll mark the start)

I held him and let him cry silently, ignoring the gaping eyes of the bypassing servants and guards. This was Gaisgeil's quarter of the castle. Nobody came uninvited or without a good cause. The people who saw the Protos cry would keep their mouth shut because they were trustworthy - or too afraid of the consequences.

Gently I stroke the tears from his cheeks, mumbling soothing words to calm him down. And it worked. Quietly we held each other, no words needed. Suddenly Gaisgeil exhaled deeply, grabbed my lower body  - my own legs still straddling his hips - and rose from the ground in one fluid motion.

I gasped. Without an explanation he began to move. I was hanging Iike a little monkey with my arms around his neck, my legs clasped around his hips. He walked in the direction of his personal rooms. I felt a little bit excited and ... anxious. 

His face was stoic again, no more traces of his tears, no blotches, all proofs of his weakness gone. He was back again - the Lord of Desa.

But what did he want? Why did he carry me to his rooms? I slightly gulped down my inner tension. Perhaps he wanted to talk in private with no ears and eyes to witness?

When we arrived at his premises, two guards stood sideward at the door of the entry. They didn't move a single muscle in their face: no gawking, no smirking, no judgement. Their faces remained attentive but neutral.

One of them opened the door without comment. Gaisgeil only nodded at them while carrying me inside. I streched my neck to have a look, while Gaisgeil headed straight forward into one direction. And I was astonished at what I saw. The walls were white, the furniture and the fabrics bright coloured. I would have never thought, that a hard man like my destined liked his surroundings like that. I rather expected dark colours, furs and weapons on the walls.

As we walked through an open door I stiffened. It was his bedroom. In the next instant I was on my feet, my coat ripped off my body, than I was thrown on the bed. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I rose to jump off the bed to tell him off.

But I halted when I saw how he took off his heavy boots and socks, followed by his leathery waistcoat

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But I halted when I saw how he took off his heavy boots and socks, followed by his leathery waistcoat. Hastily he threw the black leather carelessly on the floor, untying his black undervest leaving him bare-chested. My eyes were magnetically drawn to him...Theos, he was so beautiful, manly and powerful.

I...I simply couldn't look away. I couldn't. So I did the only thing I was physically able to do...sat back on the bed, observing his next move. My body began to warm up, my skin to prickle. I was not naive, I new the reaction of a female body to physical attraction. Many Laidir had told me before, how they felt, when attracted by somebody or having sex. Ashamed I felt the growing wetness between my legs. I was aroused.

Gaisgeil's chest was hairless, strong muscled but at the same time lean. Eyes glued on me, he opened his black leather trousers, nearly ripping them off. He stood silent and nacked in front of me. We both were motionless, watching each other with burning eyes.

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