"Let Us Go Now"

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"Unbelievable ... such a muc", Gaisgeil spat out in anger. We were at the castle again, discussing what we heard.  Consilius told us the whole story about the twins, his sister, the old Protos and his people, the Bertaèyn. To say I was excited would be underrating what I felt.

Now, I had a plan, a destination: Visit the Bertaèyn, find those archives, search for the reasons why the human kind morphed into several humanoid life forms. I had to talk to Conor. He was the only one now, who could help me reach my goal.

After Consilius explained to Gaisgeil all the connections, he kept quiet about the things I was interested in. With a gleam in his eyes  - that I didn't like at all - he remained silent. Something was bothering me about the way Consilius behaved, the way he watched our little quartet of people. Even now I realized maliciousness peeking out of his eyes. He was under house arrest and would rot there. Well better than being dead.

Conor, Ailis and I watched the emotional outbreak of the Lord of Desa. Like a caged animal he paced the floor.

Abruptly Gaisgeil halted in his steps, his eyes focused on a lange portrait of his father. He was extremly agitated. I never saw him lose control - never. He may have been angry or impatient, but never did he let those feelings get to him. Now, all restraints were gone.

"You miserable, cruel, cunning muc. You humiliated me, tortured me, beat me, made me the spitting image of yourself but you still had a backup plan, if I didn't live up to your expectations."

He took his dagger out, rushing to the portrait. With one hand he tore the canvas down, slashing it with the dagger. He ripped it to pieces. 

Nobody made a move. We others  only sat stiff on our seats, listening to the agitated breathing of Gaisgeil until he calmed down again.

"I am going to open his grave, tear his remains out for the dogs to feast." His cold voice left no doubt: his words weren't said in anger. He would do, what he announced. He wanted this revenge, to destroy his father even in death.

His eyes suddenly snapped to Ailis, who watched him like a fearful little bunny.

"You", his index finger raised in her direction as he walked to a seat, "how were you involved in this mess?"

He sat himself down, while putting the dagger on the table in front of him. Ailis followd his gesture.

She swallowed a few times, licking her dry lips. "I ...I dind't know that I have two brothers. Two brothers of the same father and mother. They were born one year before me, so I had no clues, as they weren't with us as I grew up. My mother never said a word about them, nothing. I knew, that she was a favorite in the harama of the Protos. He desired her, lusted after her body, but also her mind. He made her read to him the old stories of mankind."

She lowered her eyes, her fingers clenched together. 

Conor, who sat next to her, laid his big hand on her stiff fingers, showing to his sister his moral support. Ailis raised her head sending her brother a timid smile. Her eyes turned to her other, more intimidating brother.

"You have to believe me, I was never plotting against you. I didn't know, that I had brothers other than you, " she exhaled deeply.

"A few weeks ago, I received a written message. The letter said, that I had another brother. We shared the same parents, the message pointed out. I was shocked. The writer suggested that we should meet at Consilius house, an honorable member of the Daonnachd council. This was the reason why I wasn't very suspicous. Consilius couldn't be involved in anything unethical!?"

Gaisgeil huffed. "Why didn't you talk to me about it?"

Now it was Ailis who huffed. "You? Talk to you? Do you have any idea how threatening it is, to BE in your presence? How much courage it takes to speak to you?"

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