"Promise Me"

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Was I the only one who felt the fateful heaviness, the intense fear, that something terrible would happen, that somebody of our group of friends would die a painful death tonight?

Without exchanging any more encouraging words we walked side by side the large corridors. Our aim: the grand hall, where the feast was held with all the important guests of the bailiff in our "honour" - what a joke. Perhaps our meals were already poisoned ...

The creepy smile on Yrina's features gave me chills. Something sinister flashed in her eyes...I recognized pure malice and bloodthirst. She wanted the bloodshed. Yrina couldn't help it. It wasn't her fault, that her genes shaped her instinct for violence. And I knew, I would find the proof of my theory in Bertrayen. I was sure, the Laidir and many other creatures of Desa were artificially constructed to fight. But why?  

I turned my head to glance at Ronan, my funny and compassionate new friend, who talked me out of many depressiv moments. Now, his face told another story. His angular jaw was distorted, his eyes cold and empty. A mass of muscles and angry flesh. Nobody wants to face such a beast who could rip you to shreds without much effort. I shuddered.

My eyes wandered to his left side. I searched Ai's normaly warm eyes ...but was met with blank indifference. I couldn't believe what I saw. Was I walking among the living dead? Had somebody or something possessed the bodies of my friends?

But than, I felt Gaisgeil's warm hand, that anchored me in this forecourt of madness. My beloved destined held me and gave me the energy to put one foot infront of another, although my feet felt like two ice blocks. 

I bend my neck to catch his eye. I needed his encouragement, his comfort, that we would get out of this hellhole alive.

Gaisgeil must have felt my stare because he instantly looked at me. His whole calm posture gave me exactly what I needed: the power to walk inside the hall and to play my cards well.

"Don't let your fears get to you, mo ghaoil You are the master and you can control those fears. Anxiety is a bad adviser. I will die before I let something happen to you", he said, clearly meaning it.

"No, my love, nobody will die except Keallach and his loyal goons. I am not helpless. Yrina is not the only one, who has her secret wappons with her...me too",  I whispered. 

Gaisgeil's eyes widened. "No no no", he shook his head vehementlly, "you won't take part in any form of violence, no matter what happens", he whispered. 

 I kept quiet, ignoring his command. He pressed my hand slightly to get my attention back. 

"Did you hear me, Callida? I spoke to Conan, to stay by your side. He will protect you. YOU will hold back and let him take the lead."

I was starting to get angry, but I didn't want to burden him with my emotions, so I tried to remain calm. 

"I am NOT a damsel in distress, Gaisgeil. Maybe I am not as strong as you all are, but I still have a card or two up my sleeve. I am not als helpless as you seem to think", I whispered back.

My destined slowed his pace. "I don't think, you are helpless, mo ghaoil, not in the slighest. I know and have seen myself that you can hold your own."

His voice became pleading, almost seductice, trying to convince me. "Can't you see, I am just afraid that something might happen to you. I would be distracted and worried about you but I need a clear head."

Clever move, to call on logic arguments. I huffed. He was right at this point, as much as I didn't want to admit. 

"If something happens to you, Callida, it would be my death and I think you know. The moment your heart stops beating, my life ends too", his smooth and tender voice said, begging me to give in to his wishes.

I groaned. "Let's make a deal: I will restrain myself, I give you my word. Unless....unless your life or the lives of our friends are threatened."

I saw, how his nostrils flared, how his eyes closed in despair. He didn't like my proposal at all.  When his eyes opened again, they were on me. "So be it, upon your word, Callida", his stern voice required.

I smiled and nodded, my fist on my heart. "Upon my word, my Lord!", I spoke like a true loyal guard would, trying to ease the situation. Gaisgeil stopped abruptly, grabbing me. He pulled me to his chest, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I felt his fast heartbeat as he took my smell in. 

"Callida, upon your word, don't break it, the moment you fall, I am gone", he croaked. 

I took his face in my hands. "I WON'T, my love. I will be there, waiting for you, alive and kicking."

I devoured his lips, passionate, putting all my feelings into the kiss. Every inch of my soul was his, and he was mine. Together we would end the injustice, the abuse and the discrimination. My destined was apart of this oppression, but he learned his lesson. Gaisgeil was the head of this system, and he was the only one, who could end this misery.  He would break the wheel of repetition. There wouldn't be a next generation of Lords, who would reign the lands by their selfish will.

My hands traced his beautiful face, wandering down to the place, where his heart beat for mine. 

"I want our life together, Gaisgeil. I want to have children with you, get old and watch our grandchildren run around." I took a deep breath, watching the door that let to the grand hall of Keallach's castle. The loud voices and laughs of the guest reached outside of the big doors.

"But if I die tonight, I am not afraid to go." Gaisgeil wanted to interrupt my little speech but I closed his mouth with my fingers.

"And you will live, if you'll survive, do you hear me? You will live. In Gordan waits your son for your return. Little Ascan...and my grandfather, who became yours too. They need you. You won't give up. You won't take the easy way out. For them... and for me. Promise me! If I die, you'll live", I demanded with determination leaving no space for excuses.

A little sob escaped Gaisgeil's lips. "Callida, mo ghaoil, you demand too much... too much", he mumbled softly.

My eyes left his for a short moment to peer behind his shoulders. I knew, that out friends waited for us to procede. Their sharp ears heard our soft and intimate exchange. 

Ai's pale face send me a compassionate look, Ronan's soft stare engulfed me and Yrina ...my strong and fierce friend bit her lips but couldn't prevent a treacherous tear, that she quickly whiped away. 

Theos, please, let us survice tonight. Give us the chance to change this world, to make it a better place to live. Justice and equality for all. A new world, where we'll have the opportunity to right our wrongs, to learn from our past and to build a better future.

Gaisgeil kissed me gently. "Your wish is my command, Callida. I'll do my best to protect you. But if you die tonight...I promise to you, I will try to survive for our beloved, for you!"

Relieved I smiled. "Come, my love", I took his hand in mine.

This was it. I needed this reassurance. BUT...

I wouldn't die. NOT tonight. But somebody would die...and that somebody was definitely Keallach!


And I promise: no prolonging the inevitable - next chapter ....somebody will die...but who???

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I heard metalcore and gothic metal when I wrote this chapter. I know, most of you don't like this music - but I wanted to share my inspiration.  

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