"We Sacrificed The Humans To Save Humankind

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Slowly we approached the strange men. The body language of Gaisgeil and Ronan spoke volumes - they were ready to defend our group, if necesssary. Yrina on the other hand seemed more observant than alarmed. Perhaps the good influence of Kane?

We were all huddled together, facing the men, when suddenly one of them stepped forward.

"Welcome to Bertaèyn, Lord of Desa, we waited for you and your company to arrive. You may have heard from your friend", he indicated to Ainmire, "that you can't pass our protective shield on your own will. You have to receive permission to do so."

Ainmire an I watched each other astonished. How could they know, that Ainmire was here before and told us about the "wall"? And what the gehena was a protective shield? 

Callida, we have cameras everywhere around here that send us pictures 24 hours a day. We saw, that Ainmire tried to pass the shield, I heard a voice in my head explain.

A shiver ran down my spine. Am I going crazy now? My head snapped around trying to find the culprit. The same voice inside my head chuckled. 

No, Callida, you are perfectly fine, believe me, I will explain everything to you, but not know,  the kind voice promised.

Gaisgeil send me a questioning stare. He must have sensed my unease. "I am fine", I mouthed. 

"If you want to enter our world, you have to leave your weapons behind. Are you willing to obey to this rule?", the guard asked in a friendly voice.

All eyes were on Gaisgeil, waiting for his decision. "If we leave our weapons behind, how will we defend ourselves, if YOU threaten our lives?", he asked, keeping a calm composure.

Gaisgeil pointed to the one guard with the "stick".  "And what about your weapons? Obviously you are armed as well?!"

The guard that spoke to us chuckled. Suddenly he opened with his hands his helmet and put it off. 

A handsome human man in his end-thirties emerged, a knowing soft smile on his lips. His eyes went immediately to me, sparking a burning feeling inside my soul. Something ...I don't know. I rubbed with my hand at my heart all of a sudden, trying to rub that strange feeling away. The man observed my movements, lowering his eyes.

"Yes, you are right", he stared at Gaisgeil, "that is a weapon. A weapon that could kill you all in a blink of an eye leaving nothing but dust behind. You wouldn't even get the chance to defend yourselves - even you, as genetically designed units ...or creatures, if you like that term better."

We gaped at him. "Genetically designed units". I was more than excited now. This was the first evidence, that they knew what was going on in our world.

Gaisgeil's eyes turned to deadly slits. The next instant he grabbed the man by his neck, his claws threatening to slice the guards throat.

"Say it again, human!", he growled. The man didn't bat an eyelid, which surprised me. If a deadly creature had his claws on my neck ...

The guard with the unknown weapon rose it to his chest. "Michael?", he asked for a command. Obviously "Michael", the man Gaisgeil had his claws on, was in charge.

Michael took Gaisgeil's face in. "Don't do anything, David, it's alright. He won't harm me, I only scratched his pride. He will calm down." 

To say, I was speechless was an understatement. How could that man be so calm and fearless facing an angry Creachadair? He behaved like he knew Gaisgeil's behaviour well and could predict, how he would act!

Michael's eyes didn't leave Gaisgeil's. He didn't submit nor lower his gaze, like all normal beings in Desa would do.  Instead he cleared his throat.

"David, show our guests what our weapons can do. If we wanted to harm you in any way, we would have done it already!"

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