"The Lord Of Desa Will Be Gone"

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Sorry for the delay. I had to think about this and the next chapter thoroughly. I wasn't sure of myself...

I fiddled with my clammy cold fingers, walking behind Kane to the quarter of Yrina. My thoughts went wild. Would we survive this night? Would Gaisgeil kill Keallach? How would his supporters react?

Suddenly a warm big hand took mine. "Don't worry about anthing. Don't you have trust in me, mo ghaoil?", my destined asked in a hushed voice.

I pressed his hand for reassurance. "Of course I have. But at the moment I feel like a little lamb facing the big bad wolf. Why didn't you talk about your plans with all of us?"

Something like guilt flashed in his eyes - but I saw it. 

I stopped abruptly, halting our little trio. "You did ... just not with me, am I right?", I asked in a calm way, hiding my anger and disappointment. 

Kane's eyes wandered from me to Gaisgeil and back, sensing the tension. 

Gaisgeil watched me carefully. "No, ....not with all..."

My hands went to my hips. "With WHO?", I growled. YES, GROWELD. I was so angry....ready to take his head. From the corner of my eye I saw Kane leaving, giving us space to talk, his face again an emotionless mask.

Gaisgeil rubbed his neck. "Callida, I..."

I snorted. "So now I am Callida, huh? No more mo ghaoil?"

He rolled his eyes, pacing the floor in search of the right words. Suddenly he stopped.

"I know, I make one mistake after another." He ran his fingers through his hair, angry about himself and unsure. In a sudden motion he rushed to me, embracing me desperately, taking me by surprise.

"Callida, please don't be mad at me. I am used to make my own decisions without seeking advice from anybody. I was alone for so long. But I promise, I'll start to discuss everything with you from now on."

I relaxed in his embrace, hearing his words. Of course he was accustomed to make his own decisions without discussing things first, after all he was the Lord of Desa! But now he wasn't alone anymore. I was by his side. He had friends, people who could be good advisers.

"Tell me, what will happen this evening? I don't want any surprises that will cause me a heart attack... we had enough of that these past weeks."

He laughed softly, his warm breath on my ear causing me pleasant shudders.

"As much as I want to tell you, mo ghaoil...I can't!"


Gaisgeil sighed. "I have to hold back, Callida, because I need you to behave in a natural way. If you know, what will happen, your face will give everything away."

His tender smile made me melt and any harsh words on my tongue dissolved into nothingness.

"Your face is a mirror of your thoughts and feelings, Callida. And Keallach is not an idiot. He would smell that something is off. I need him to remain calm and sure, that he has the upper hand. Please, just trust me."

I watched him helplessly, not sure what to make out of it, but my head nodded nevertheless.

Gaisgeil's features grew serious, his eyes stared off into space. "We are on the verge of a break. You and I know that. Since you came into my life I thought a lot about the system of reign we built, about the races of Desa, the past and the future. I always knew that we lived in an unjust and unfair world, where the strong thrived and the weak lived at their mercy. Truth is, the weak are the strong ones. Without them, nothing would work, absolutely nothing. The strong are only strong because of their physical strengh, their claws and sharp fangs. There will only be happiness and a peaceful future for all of us, if we learn to really live together, sharing our skills and capabilities."

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