"I Love You Too, Ceallach"

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I held the black phone in my hands, touching the thin and smooth surface. It had scratches here and there showing, that it had a history and was used. And it had "belonged" to Amarin...or at least he must have used it. He lost it after a visit in Bertaèyn.

"You see, that is what I am talking about." Ainmire held an old and withered magazin out to me. 

With his index finger he pointed at a picture with something like a tower....but this one was made of iron. My curiosity skyrocketed.

"I have never seen something like this in Desa." Ainmire laughed ironically.

"Oh, but you did, Callida", he said bitterly. "They only hid the cell phone mast in a tower of stone, so we dumb and clueless folks wouldn't question that strange thing."

I watched him in unbelief, my mind spinning like a wheel. In a sudden realization my eyes widened.

Ainmire only nodded because he saw that I understood. 

"The towers are everywhere in Desa

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"The towers are everywhere in Desa. I tried to enter one, but it's impossible. Not even with raw violence. The door is unbreakable."

He smirked. "But...I am really good at climbing. I couldn't rest, once I understood what they are. I climbed that fucking tower till I was on the top. There, I went inside through a little window. Nobody thought, that somebody would enter from above."

I grabbed his arm. "WHAT did you find?"

My new friend laughed. "Gehena, woman, I have a very sensitive skin", he whined playfully.

Theos, I loved that boy already. Where has he been all my life? I wished, I had a brother like him. We would have had soooo much fun and adventures growing up.

His eyes took on a soft expression. "Your eyes betray your thoughts, Callida. Had we known each other, I wouldn't have been so lonely and abandoned. Together we would have solved the riddles of our world."

I kissed his cheek and embraced him. "You have me now and I have you."

His chuckle resonated at my chest. "Don't let your destined hear your open display of emotions, he'll get the wrong idea."

I laughed too. "Oh, I must say, I was pleasantly surprised how well he took your prank. In another time, he'd have your head the moment you made fun of him or touched me. But he stayed calm. This is a good sign, a very good sign", I chuckled.

"To answer your question: I found only cables, buttons and wires. Nothing, that I understood. It's something like a technical forwarding", Ainmire stated. 

"So, they built towers to hide the technology they are using. They were able to communicate with each other through long distances. But still, Ainmire: Who are they? What do they want? If they have technology we don't even dream about, why did they let us live like we do? Why didn't they use their knowledge to improve our living conditions? And why did we even lose this knowledge?"

Ainmire only shrugged his shoulders. "Let us find out, Callida."

A new thought  overwhelmed me. I started pacing the floor in an inner turmoil. Ainmire watched me patiently. He instinctively knew, that I had to gather my thoughts.

"They could have seized power. Why didn't they? Perhaps they have weappons that could easily overpower us?", I muttered.

Suddenly I stilled. I turned around slowly, facing my friend. "THEY are NOT interested in power...perhaps..." I rubbed my cheeks, than froze. An unbelievable thought occured to me.

With round eyes, like I had an epiphany, I searched Ainmire's face.

"What...what if they keep their knowledge, the technology, a secret...because they WANT us to live the way we do? Without the achievements of our past?"

Ainmire nodded slowly. "Exactly my thoughts, Callida. They didn't interfere, they didn't reveal themselves to us, didn't claim the power because they are superior to us and simply could...they did nothing!"

He rested his head sideways at mine. "We have to get to  Bertaèyn. Did you know, that nobody has ever been there? No Lord of Desa, no bailiff...simply nobody."

His forehead wrinkled. "Well, except the people from Gordan you told us about."

My eyebrows furrowed. I bend my head to see him clearly.

"And you? Did your curiosity not kill you?"

He scratched his neck, shaking his head. "It's not that, Callida...I tried to get there...I simply couldn't. Like literally couldn't. There is something like an invisible force, some kind of wall you can't pass. You reach a point where you are not able to procede, so you simply give up."

I was speechless. "A wall? A wall that doesn't exist, but can't be crossed?"

He nodded without further words.

Lowering my head, I felt a slight headache. "I have to think about it. But I already know: We can't wait for Conor to heal, we'll have to leave him here in a safe place. We have to get there."

Ainmire nodded. "Why don't you speak with your friends about their plans? You know, your destined has to tell his plans for Nefaria.....but", he took a deep breath. "Who knows what his plans will be worth after we get to Bertaèyn? Perhaps our world won't be the same anymore?"

I felt the weight of his words, the hidden truth. Yes, perhaps nothing would be the same. Perhaps the people guarding so many secrets would kill us as soon, as they saw us? Perhaps we wouldn't be able to even get there, failing to pass the wall?

"You are right, I have to talk to Gaisgeil", I muttered, feeling my headaches get to me.

Ainmire watched me with concern. "Do you want me to walk you to your room? You look pale, Callida?"

I tried to smile. "No, everything is alright, I am going straight there. Don't worry."

"Are you sure, you don't need my help?", he pressured. I waved him off with a forced smile, walking my way.

I passed a few corridors, when I reached a nice balcony. I thought, a little fresh air would do me good. As I opened the door of the balcony, I halted, because I heard soft voices speaking to each other. A man and a woman. I peeked around the door frame. There was my destined in a serious conversation with Ceallach. 

I knew, it was wrong to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it. She made me uneasy and I felt threatened by her. Once upon a time, my destined loved her...enough to commit himself to her. Perhaps he still felt those feelings for her in his heart?

"You know, that I loved you, don't you? And I still love you, Gaisgeil, I can't just turn these feelings off", Ceallach confessed.

Gaisgeil remained silent for a moment. I slightly relaxed, thinking, that he thought about a way to tell her off without hurting her. I peeked again. What I saw, shattered me. 

He held her in his arms. "I love you too, Ceallach, and I always will."


Damn, those two, always drama!? ; D

Do you remember this Icelandic singer from a previous chapter? Here, he sings in English. That guy was a big discovery to me, like the Icelandic music in general. One word: Wow!

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