"Let's Have Fun"

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Gaisgeil gave in to save my life. He swore a bloodoath, that he would surrender himself without resistance. And Gurvan kept his side of the deal. He gave me the antidote. So here I was walking through the wind and snow with my group of people to an unknown fate. 

Like cattle we walked one behind the other where the Immaniter led us. To distract myself I thought about the poison they gave me. How did they know about poisons and antidotes? The Immaniter were creatures, I didn't know what kind of, but they were. As such they wouldn't know about chemical killers and how to use them. There must be at least one Daonnachd in Gurvan's ranks, perhaps as a healer? 

Gaisgeil, my poor destined, kept his word to save my life. He followed this mab c'hast like a sheep to the slaughterhouse. My proud destinded! If he had let out his Creachadair he would have killed our enemies even without Conor's and Ronan's help.

What would the Immaniter do to us....to the Islendigur? They were innocent in this matter and it broke my heart to think, they would be killed without mercy. 

Unexpectantly I stumbled in the snow. Gaisgeil who walked behind me caught my arms before I took a fall. He took advantage of the situation and pecked my lips. A whip lashed on his pack. Thank heaven we had warm thick furs on, so he couldn't feel the full force of the whip. 

"Keep on, Callida, don't show any fears. They feed on your anxieties", he murmured in my ear.

A long spear appeared in front of his face, separating us. "Keep your filthy hands off your whore, oh mighty Lord of Desa", the owner of the spear spat.

I witnessed Gaisgeil's eyes turn to slits. His hand grabbed the spear, breaking the long lance in two. The man was shocked, how fast Gaisgeil disarmed him.

In an instant Gurvan was at the man's side on horseback.

"Ah ah ah", he said in a patronizing way, raising his index finger in a mocking way, like he spoke to a child.

How I wished I had my knives to cut his finger of. But they disarmed us down to the last sharp needle. Gaisgeil's hands turned to fists. Gurvan observed this gesture too, knitting his eyebrows.

"Remember? You gave your word. A man who breaks his word is a man without honour and should be treated as such...", he threatened. He watched my destined with a calculating look.

"But in case you forgot your word...", he turned around, shouting "ATROPA!"

A dark figure on a white horse was riding full force in our direction. A few meters in front of us, the horse stopped abruptly.

Two small red gloved hands turned the dark hood of her coat down, revealing a beautiful exotic woman. Her long black hair shimmered, her plump lips were red and her almond eyes blue. Innocence radiated from her heart-shaped face but her cold exterior told another story.

(The "woman" on the picture is Shi, a fictional comic book adventure hero. She is the central protagonist in her own line of independent comic book titles. She fits exactly how I see Atropa in my head...)


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