"Not Now"

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I moved my body up and down in a steady fast rhythm, my hands resting on Gaisgeil's chest. His own hands held my hips in a firm grip, his eyes were glued to my breasts, that were bouncing up and down, mimicking my movements. I made the first step in our love making and took over "responsibility". Obviously, Gaisgeil was enjoyig, my "dominant" behaviour.

"You are...so ...so beautiful", he moaned, as I rode his body, enjoying the power. "How was I blessed with such a beautiful destined", he groaned. In a swift motion, he turned us both around. Now, HE was hovering above me. 

"Did you enjoy the ride, hm? You like to see the Lord of Desa at your mercy? But now it's my turn, mo ghaoil..." His possessive talk turned me on.

He thrusted hard and deep inside of me, my legs going automatically around his back, my hands clasping his shoulders. A few more thrusts and we both climaxed together, crying out our release.

Gaisgeil kissed my collarbone, as he withdrew. 

"It wouldn't be a surprise to me, if you were already pregnant", his voice muffled with manly pride. 

I froze!

THEOS! I was a  healer! How could I ignore the fact, that we did nothing - literally nothing - to prevent a pregnancy? I mean, I always wondered, how many unwanted pregancies I had to face as a healer....but here I am.

Gaisgeil must have felt my unease because he was observing my facial expression with narrowed eyes.

"Don't you...", he scanned my face carefully, "don't you WANT my child?"

I huffed. "Of course I want your child...some day, but not now. I am so young, Gaisgeil. It's not something I crave for now."

He listened, still and patient, but I saw the lack of understanding on his face.

I turned around to face him. "Gaisgeil, a child needs mature parents, needs a stable home and should be wanted. Look at us? We are young, in the middle of perhaps an armed conflict, unsure of our future...why should we want a child now?"

You could see the wheels in his head working to understand. I knew for a fact, that creatures longed for children. They longed for their biological offspring, more than us Daonnachd. We waited for the ideal moment, the ideal circumstances. THAN we decided to have children! And we didn't have problems conceiving!

"I hope, that we didn't conceive. And from now on we should avoid a pregnancy", I clarified my point of view.

"Perhaps you are right. But you know, it's very seldom, for the creatures of Desa, to conceive easily", Gaisgeil said with furrowed eyebrows.

He was right. The creature couples in Desa, who went for children, didn't have more than one or two children, if they had any at all. It was difficult to fall pregnant for the females. Obviously there was a problem with fertilization because the males wouldn't impregnate easily too. One of the many riddles, we had to solve.

I snorted. "Than, YOU must have some kind of super power, because if I still remember right, you already have a child."

A small smile spread on his face, remembering his son. I still felt a pang in my heart, a pain, that  lingered at my heart strings.

My destinend's smile faded. He took my hand, wanting to comfort my pain. 

I shook my head, trying to reassure. "No, no...we won't go back in time, it's okay, Gaisgeil. It's alright to feel pride and love for your child."

I exhaled. "But I would be a liar, if I said, that it's easier for me now to accept the fact, that you have a child."

His face fell in alarm, so I kissed his lips, to soothe his fears. "I promised, I'll try my best, Gaisgeil. This child is innocent like all children. They don't have to pay for the sins and faults of their parents. I only hope, your son accepts me as your destined, that we'll develop a good relationship."

He instantly relaxed. "I hope so too, Callida, and you will, because you are kindhearted and friendly. My son will be lucky having YOU as a second mother. And we will have our own kids, I know for sure." He embraced my upper body and held me close to his chest.

"You are right, we'll wait for the right moment to build our own little family and it's not now."

For a few moments, we enjoyed the peaceful silence, though we both knew, that perhaps a battle and death lay before us.

Gaisgeil kissed my head. "Come, mo ghaoil, there is a feast we have to attend. Let's see, what Keallach has in store for us."

I snorted. "Well, it won't be something good, that's for sure. We are unarmed...what could we do, if he decides to put us in his cells?" 

My destined laughed silently. "Are you underestimating the capabilities of us creatures?"

I drew small circles on his hairless chest. "Nooo, but we are 3 creatures, one Laidir, 14 Islendigur and one Daonnachd. What could we possibly achieve?"

Gaisgeil stood up, standing in all his nacked glory in front of me. My eyes trailed his body up and down, lingering on his muscles. Watching and sensing the power, that eminated his body. I felt the deep sitting pride that was genetically imprinted in many females nowadays, I couldn't help it: I had a strong and beautiful partner. 

Gaisgeil chuckled.

"You like, what to see and I love this feeling. It gives me assurance, that you accept me as your destined."

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head, laughing about this animalistic behaviour.

"Hey, don't laugh. We creatures thirst for power and dominance and you now it, Callida. We couuldn't even change it, if we wanted", Gaisgeil plead for my understanding.

"I know", I replied, accepting it.

A knock on our door startled us both. 

"One moment", Gaisgeil  said, snatching his trousers. I jumped out of bed to dress hastily.

As we both looked decent again, Gaisgeil opened the door.

A young woman, obviously a servant, came in, accompanied by a second woman. In their hands they held clothes.

They bowed in front of us. I always felt uneasy when somebody showed their respect by submittance. It wasn't right, but what could I do?

"Mylord, my Prota, Sapientis send us with clothes for you. I hope, they fit and you'll like them?!"

I watched them lay the clothes on our bed, studying the colours and designs, and found them appealing. 

"Thank you very much, they seam to be perfect", I answered friendly.

"Do you want our help to try the clothes on?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you, my destined will help me."

They both nodded friendly, bowing again, heading to the door. As they shut the door behind them, I heard their snicker.

"Why did they laugh?" My eyes trailed the clothes I was wearing up and down. Hm, nothing out of the ordinary.

Gaisgeil laughed silently.

"What?", I asked at a loss.

"They are creatures, Callida, with the senses of creatures."

Baffled, I watched him, totally clueless.


Now Gaisgeil was the one, rolling his eyes on me.

"They know, we had sex. They smelled it.....they even know, that it was very ... satisfying for the both of us", he pronounced very slowly, like talking to a child. He was mocking me and had fun doing it.

I groaned, closing my eyes in embarrassement, hearing the booming laughter of my destined.

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