"Save Your Destined"

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I woke up with an unsettling feeling in my gut. After Gaisgeil told me the story about the Immaniter leader, I couldn't sleep. A dark shadow loomed above our passage - the shadow of revenge.

The thirst for revenge was one of the strongest emotions to all beings. Sometimes I even think, stronger than love. The retribution for a perceived bad is a powerful motivator that pushes your actions to achieve compensation. A vengeful soul can't rest, can't find peace, until it took revenge. 

What Gaisgeil did as a thoughtless boy was bad; but what the leader of the Immaniter did to his wife was a proof of his mental sickness. Not only did he kill that pour woman. No, that wasn't enough to quench his thirst for revenge. He wanted to utterly destroy his once beloved wife. And he chose the worst form of a final annihilation. 

I shivered, thinking about it. What a monster! And to think, that perhaps this same man knew, that we were near, that we were on our way through "his" land. What would he do, if he got his hands on us? On whom would he exact his revenge? I knew, that he would do something completely vile and evil. 

I had noticed Gaisgeil's concerned looks on me throughout our ride. Every time I caught his eyes, he turned away. He didn't want me to see his tautness. But everyone could clearly see, that he was on edge. The Lord of Desa was anxious. Not about himself....but me, his destined. 

He knew it - I knew it. If this man caught us, he would wreak his revenge on me...than Gaisgeil. And he would choose a revenge, that would destroy my destined before his own painful death. Cold sweat formed on my forehead and back. I tried to keep my composure. 

Ronan kept throwing reassuring looks at me and Conor didn't leave my side. Now I knew that they both heard what Gaisgeil told me yesterday and that he spoke with them. The Islendigur were good fighters, I was sure of that, otherwise my destined wouldn't have asked for their help. But he called for the strongest and most lethal men to protect me - Ronan and Conor. Our whole troop consisted of 14 men, including Gaisgeil, Ronan and Conor. Would it be enough to encounter a larger group of Immaniter warrior?

Gaisgeil was the strongest fighter, I knew for sure. He never lost a fight or a battle, but he was a mortal who would reach his limits by the right enemy at a bad timing. One thought pierced its way through my brain: Would we have a forever together or die somewhere in Desa? Have I condemned us to death by my reckless decision to make this journey? My heart hammered in my chest by a guilty conscience.

As I thought about the events surrounding the Immaniter, I heard Lana del Rey. Music inspires me to write the fictional events in a certain way. So...blame it on Lana...

"Callida? Callida?" Slowly I turned my head to the voice calling me. It was Gaisgeil to held my horse still. I blinked several times looking around. The men took a break, drinking out of their leather hoses. I didn't notice...when did we stop?

"Mo ghaoil, you are confused, come, we rode for hours, didn't you notice?" I heard the worry in Gaisgeil's voice. Shaking my head, I felt dizzy and tired to the bone.

"Come, let yourself fall into my arms, you are exhausted", he demaned,  reaching for my hips. I put my arms around his neck and did as he said. 

When I got on my feet, I wiped the silent tears away I shed without noticing. 

"Callida, my heart, why are you crying?" Gaisgeil kissed my forehead, stroking my disheveled hair.

"Did I...did I push you to leave Gordan without a supporting troop? You came alone, you were rushing to reach me. Oh Theos, you only sent your most trusted man, Ronan to catch us. But you didn't have the time to organize a troop. It will be my fault if we all die..." Total despair clawed at my nerves.

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