"You Are Mine"

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I snickered, watching the "green", pallid face of Gaisgeil. He assisted the surgery I performed, unbelieve and astonishment clearly  written on his face. „You cut something out of his body... and the child still lives and breathes." He shook his head incredulous „No wonder everybody thinks that there is magic involved with you Deonachd", Gaisgeil muttered. I stiffened, watching his facial expression closely. „Do YOU think that I am a Kjerring?" His astonished eyes searched mine. 

„No, certainly not...but you have to understand: I saw you doing things that are unbelievable." I scoffed. "Unbelievable for YOU thickheaded Creachadair, not US." With one hand he rubbed his tired features. „I have to admit openly; the Creachadair are not as smart and gifted as you are... the Deonnachd. This is the harsh truth. What we others can not understand, we call dark magic", he laughed in a self-mocking way. I nodded slowly. "Science, knowledge, it's of no value in this world. Only power, strength, claws and fangs. And you condemn eveybody who isn't like you to live a life in the shadows, always in fear."

Gaisgeil took a few steps until he stood in front of me. His hand reached for my face but I stepped back. I didn't want any caresses. Hurt visibly formed on his strong features. I shook my head. "No, you are not allowed to touch me, you are taken Protos." He huffed annoyed. "No, I AM NOT", he gritted through his teeth. "I only made a stupid mistake when I was drunk and lonely." 

I laughed angrily about his choice of words. "A mistake? Oh, so perhaps I should also make the same ...mistake." I spat the word "mistake" out. A loud possessive growl escaped Gaisgeil lips, his fiery eyes on me. Men would buckle under his angry stare, but I was not impressed about his behaviour so I continued my rand. "A mistake, dear Protos, is to wear two different pair of socks ... not to impregnate a woman who is NOT meant for you." I watched him deflate, as he closed his eyes, his hands on his hips, regret clearly written on his features. I won't let his guilt and remorse influence my feelings.

"I was meant for you", I whisper, my feelings of betrayal floating in my voice. "This bond, formed by destiny, meant nothing to you." His eyes whipped in me. I hardened my heart seeing the dispair in the depths of his irises. 

"That's not true, Callida. I am destined for you!", he plead with me. "Can't you forgive me?" His orbs pierced mine with an urgency that reached out to my soul. "I know what I did is hurting you...having a child with another woman on my way is ..." He rubbed his head in distress, helpless. I watched him, this man, who destiny paired up with me. I wanted him to understand my motives, my feelings. 

"You know, I don't love you and you don't love me. We don't really know each other. But what I truely know is, that from the moment I knew, that you were my destined, I wouldn't have done anything that would humiliate our bond or destroy any chance of us being together. I knew, that our connection is sacred." I shook my head. "I can't, I just ", my shoulders sagged, "can't", I whispered.

Gaisgeil, this mountain of a man, whimpered in sorrow. "No, Callida, no ...", he shook his head too, "don't. We can overcome the obstacles, we can..." 

"NO", I shouted. "I don't want to overcome anything.  You await your first child." My index finger pointed accusingly at him. "Do you think, I am blind? Huh? Do you think I didn't see, how you two were drawn to each other in your garden? She clearly is infatuated with you, perhaps even loves you. Why don't you put us three out of our misery and be with her?"

Gaisgeil couldn't face my wrath, his eyes were on the ground. Slowly I turned away, ready to go. "Callida....", he whimpered. I halted in my step, my back on him. "You are wrong." My eyebrows furrowed in a lack of understanding. "I fell for you the moment you stepped into my room, that idiot holding you in a firm grip." Petrified, I staggered around. His face was an open display of his longing and pain. "I wanted you, immediately", he whispered.

Incredulous I huffed. "Than why did you send me away?", I barked. The nerve of him. "You send me away ...and than fucked her?" I saw him flinch at my use of words. "I was starved, beaten, challenged, defied...while you...."

Gaisgeil nodded. "But at the end you were worshiped, you got strong and you gained the respect of the toughest women of Desa", he said softly.  I was speechless. My eyes roamed his determined face. Was this his plan from the beginning? Not to punish me, to get me out of his way, but to boost my strength ...as the future Prota? Did he make this choice with the intention, to help me develope the power I needed? 

WAIT!!! Hold on! Why do I try to discharge him of his choices, when he obviously is at fault? 

"Please tell me", I continue, "how should I handle you having a misstress and having her baby on the way? Give me your advise! How would you handle me having the baby of another man?" His aggressive roar was answer enough. His whole body trembled, agitated by my words. In a flash he had me in his embrace, his arms snaked around my body, his nose in my neck, sniffing me. 

"You will only bear MY child",  Gaisgeil growled. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp without hurting him, but he didn't move an inch. "MINE!" His snarl was more animalistic by the second. I stilled, knowing, that it was waste of time, trying to free myself. He was so much stronger than me, and agitated to the bone. His mind was telling him, to hold on to me, as his future reproductive partner. No, it wasn't his mind working at the moment but purely his instinct. All logic gone, no space for arguments. His human side subsided. What remained was the beast.


Kjerring= witch, magician

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