Prank War Day (A)

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~This is a long chapter... and the Prank War chapter has been requested by @itessa ! She has a zodiac book as well, so go check it out!~

The day has arrived... it was finally Prank War Day, also known as PWD. It was a nice Tuesday morning at school, and Aquarius had a plan. His plan was to prank Gemini, his best friend. "This is going to be good..." he said to himself.

Gemini was casually going through his phone, not suspecting a thing. He put his phone back in his pocket and walked out of the classroom. There was a bucket filled with ice water near the top of the classroom door. Aquarius's plan was to pull a rope which was attached to the bucket so that the ice water would fall on Gemini.

When Gemini walked out of the door, Aquarius pulled the rope. But the bucket didn't tip over. It didn't even move. Aquarius watched Gemini just walk away without noticing anything at all. Aquarius groaned. His perfectly simple prank didn't even work.

Aquarius pulled the rope again, thinking that nothing would happen again. But this time, the bucket tipped over and the ice water splashed the floor. Scorpio was just exiting the classroom at that time, and the ice water splashed all over her. "Aghhhhh!" Scorpio screamed. "Oh my goodness, I didn't realise you were there Scorpio!" Aquarius quickly said. He was frustrated that the prank worked on Scorpio instead of Gemini. As for Scorpio, she was the best person to get revenge. So she walked away angrily, thinking of revenge for Aquarius.

Last year, Gemini pulled a prank on Leo and Pisces when they were out on a date. Leo and Pisces are just friends this year, but they decided to get Gemini back. The two of them went to Gemini's locker and took out his bottle of water. They tipped out the water in the school garden and filled up Gemini's bottle with Leo's pee.

"It's a good thing that you can't see through this bottle," Pisces said. "Yeah it is," Leo agreed. They put the bottle back in its place and waited in a corner to see what would happen. Gemini was on his way to his locker when Capricorn and Taurus stopped him. "Hello ladies, what can I do for you?" Gemini asked the two girls.

"Well I've accidently slipped my phone under a classroom door. The problem is that the door is locked right now, and I really want my phone back. Since you have thin fingers, do you think you can slip your fingers under the door and get my phone for me?" Taurus asked. "Sure," Gemini answered.

He followed the girls to the locked door. On the way, Taurus winked at Capricorn when Gemini wasn't looking. This was a prank to get Gemini's fingers stuck under the door. "So... how do you do it?" Gemini asked them. Capricorn put her fingers under the door and made sure she didn't go too far. "Like this," she said. She tried to pull her fingers out again. "Oh no..." she whispered. She started to panick. "My fingers are stuck!" she shrieked. Taurus gasped and bent down to help her friend. And then she got her fingers stuck too. "Gemini! Help us!" Taurus whined.

"Nah," Gemini said and shrugged. He didn't realize it was a prank. He walked away from them and made his way to his locker. On the way, Virgo rushed up to him. "Gemini oh my gosh, do you have any water? I'm so thirsty right now and for once I don't care about your germs. Please give me your water if you have any!" Virgo said in a rush. Virgo wasn't a person who played pranks on anyone. She was being serious.

"Sure, my bottle is in my locker," Gemini simply said. Virgo ran to his locker and opened it and grabbed his bottle. Without knowing, she quickly drank a few gulps of Leo's pee. Leo and Pisces were watching from a distance and watched Virgo in shock. Their mouths were dropped open and they couldn't move. All they could do was watch.

Virgo stopped drinking and realized that the 'water' she was drinking didn't taste right. She sniffed the liquid inside the bottle and realized it was pee. That's when everyone became deaf because of her loud, high pitched scream. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" she screamed. Pisces and Leo ran up to Virgo and told her the whole story. Virgo angrily slapped Leo and Pisces' faces as hard as she could and stormed off.

Meanwhile Aquarius exited the locker room. A bucket of purple paint splashed on his head. "OH MY GOSH" he gasped. In front of him, a wet Scorpio was laughing her head off. Aquarius couldn't see her or say anything because her eyes and mouth was covered in purple paint. "The paint is toxic," Scorpio said and walked off.

Sagittarius, Libra and Cancer just finished studying for a maths test together. Aries walked into the classroom wearing a grey jacket with a hoody. From the back he looked like Gemini. Now Sagittarius and Aries weren't on good terms at the moment. Aries warned Sagittarius if he does one more bad thing to him, Aries is going to bash him up.

Sagittarius didn't know that Aries entered the classroom. He thought it was Gemini. Gemini and he loved to throw food at each other. So Sagittarius put his hands in his pockets and took out some eggs and chips which he planned to throw at Gemini today. Cancer and Libra decided to join Sagittarius for fun, so they had food with them as well.

"Ready... set... throw!" Sagittarius announced. The three friends threw eggs, chips, fruit, and bread at Aries. They all thought it was Gemini. But it was Aries. Angrily, Aries turned around to see who was throwing food at him. When he realized it was Sagittarius, he marched up to him and started punching him.

"Wait - Aries - I thought - you were - Gemini!" Sagittarius managed to say between each punch. Aries ignored him. He stopped punching Sagittarius and started punch Cancer and Libra. The three of them were fully bruised on their face and Aries was covered in food. He angrily left the classroom.

All the zodiac signs were supposed to meet each other at Cancer's house today. So that's what they did. Gemini came late. While Gemini was still arriving at Cancer's place, all of the Zodiac signs sorted out everything that happened today. They all realized that everything was Gemini's fault. Gemini didn't even suspect a thing. He was having a nice day. When he arrived at Cancer's home, eleven angry faces glared at him.

Gemini looked around. He saw Aries with food all over him. He saw Taurus and Capricorn with bright red, swollen fingers. He saw Cancer, Libra and Sagittarius with bruises all over their faces. He saw Pisces and Leo's faces with bright red slaps on them. He saw Virgo's disgusted face with her mouth hanging out and a bottle of water in her hand. He saw Scorpio dripping wet from head to toe. He saw Aquarius' face and body covered in purple paint.

Gemini was curious and wondered what had happened to everyone. "You..." Leo growled. Gemini realized that everyone must be angry at him for some reason. He didn't know why everyone was angry, but he decided to just run for his life.

The eleven other signs were furious. They got up and raged out of Cancer's house, running after Gemini. Gemini giggled and ran down the street. He didn't know where he was going. But he found everything fun and exciting.

The other signs stopped chasing after him and watched him run away in the distance. "Let him go," Virgo spat. "Yeah. We'll all get a revenge on him soon..." Scorpio growled. And that's what happened on Prank War Day.

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