Competition Carnival

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The signs in this chapter are all girls.

The zodiac girls were at a competition carnival. They were all participating in the different events that were about to start. First, there was the pie eating competition. Whoever ate the most pies wins.

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo got ready to eat their pies. The commentator got his microphone ready. The commentator's name was Roy. "Ehem ehem! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Get ready to watch the earth signs competing in the pie eating competition!" he announced. The audience cheered. "Look at them, warming up their stomachs and their mouths in interesting techniques!" he continued. Taurus started doing squats as she warmed up. "Haha Taurus why are you squatting?" Virgo asked her. "Just in case the pies come out the other way to early, I want to make sure there's enough room for them," Taurus replied. "Um okay then," Capricorn said. The girls finally stopped their warm ups.

"It's time for the pie eating competition TO BEGIN!" Roy declared. Everyone started cheering. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn started by stuffing their first pies into their mouths. Then they did it with their second, then third, then fourth.

"Look at them go! We have Taurus's full mouth with pie oozing out of it. Here we see Virgo who is trying to swallow a whole pie without chewing! And finally Capricorn, pushing three pies into her mouth at a time! Look at the girls go!" Roy commented. The three signs kept stuffing pies into their mouths. Then finally, Capricorn felt really really sick. Too sick. She tried to fit her thirteenth pie into her mouth when - "BLAHHHH"

She threw up all over the floor. "Oh my! It looks like Capricorn's stomach has given up on her already! AND THE MESS IS HUGE!" Roy shouted out laughing. The audience burst into laughter and disgust. Capricorn wiped her mouth with her sleeve. She knew that she was now out of the competition.

Virgo and Taurus kept going. Then Virgo felt super sick. Yep, she was about to throw up as well. But instead of throwing up all over the floor, she did it all on Taurus. "WOW! Taurus is now fully covered in vomit top to bottom! But it's not such bad luck to her... TAURUS HAS WON THE PIE EATING COMPETITION" Roy screamed into his microphone. Even though Taurus was fully drenched in Virgo's vomit, she started jumping up and down in happiness. "I WON!" she shouted with her mouth full of pie.

Next, it was the swimming competition with the water signs. "AUDIENCE - ARE YOU READY?" Roy shouted out. The audience cheered. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces started stretching and got themselves ready for the swimming race. "Great! Before we start, here's a joke. What is big and lives in the sea?" Roy asked the audience. No one knew. "The answer is... a whale!" Roy answered. The audience was silent. There were cricket noises in the background. "Hahahaha wasn't that funny?" he laughed. The audience stayed silent. "...maybe not. Anyway, it's time for the swimming race to begin!" Roy announced. Then the crown went wild and started cheering.

Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio stood at the edge of the pool, ready to begin. "ON YOUR MARKS... GET SET... GO!" Roy yelled. The crowd cheered as the water signs dived into the pool and started swimming. Pisces was in the lead. People knew that she was a good swimmer. Cancer was second, and Scorpio was third. Scorpio didn't really like that. "Oooooh look at them swim! Watch Pisces taking the lead! Look how swift and smooth she goes like that... and Cancer just behind her! Do you think she'll be able to take of Pisces in time? And watch Scorpio! She's... she's way behind the others but that's okay, at least she's trying!" Roy told everyone.

Scorpio was out of the breath. She stopped swimming for a while and watched the other two water signs who were ahead of her. Then Scorpio had an idea. She swam deeper and deeper into the pool. "Oh- what's Scorpio doing? Does she have a plan to win?" Roy excitedly wondered out loud. Scorpio swap deeper and deeper until she saw what she was looking for. The swimming pool's plug. Scorpio knew that if she pulled this plug, all the water will drain until the pool has nothing in it. So that's what she did.

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