Sorry guys

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Yeah so here's the thing.

I don't have enough time and interest for this book any more :(
I'm so sorry to all those people who really really enjoyed reading my stories. THANK YOU for your reads, favourites, comments, follows and for adding this book to your library. I really appreciate it. You guys are pretty awesome. 
But it would be really mean of me to just let this book hanging. So I was thinking, would any of you want to continue this book for me? 
But you can make like a sequel/your own version of zodiac sign scenes on your own account. Or you don't have to do anything at all. Whatever is fine.

And again, I'M SO SORRY to everyone and THANK YOU for being here. You guys are great.

So good bye everyone oneeee
Be the great Aries/Taurus/Gemini/Cancer/Leo/Virgo/Libra/Scorpio/Sagittarius/Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces that you can be!

Continue being the very passionate/patient/funny/loving/loyal/intelligent/easy-going/trustworthy/lively/reliable/original/imaginative person you are.

And stop being so aggressive/stubborn/two-faced/moody/egoistic/judgemental/indecisive/jealous/impatient/self centred/aloof/over-sensitive.
Just kidding. 

But bye guys xx

ALSO I have a new author for this book coming soon :)

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